
Has anyone even been to the Falklands?

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I know it's cold and desolate but....

What is it like? Could you live there?

I know is officially British territory but are there Argentinian people there? Is spanish spoken by some people? I'd love it if it was more of a mix of cultures and languages.

I'm curious as I might apply for a temporary job there in the not so distant future.




  1. It is mostly people of British origin, and most of them only speak English, though some who work in tourism may speak Spanish.

    There are some Argentinians there but they are not permanent residents and are mostly Argentinians of British ancestry since English is there second language.

    You won't find a mix of cultures, it is very British there.

  2. The only best policy of Lady Thatcher, was to send the task force down there and kick the argentians out, cost a lot of lives though. I'm guessing but I'd don't think Falklanders want another visit from them anytime soon. Far as working down there, what you gonna do fish?. Before even thinking of working anywhere as remote as this I'd consider what access to healthcare, shopping, housing and more importantly climate.

    Additional: That's nice, but I wouldn't go there if I were you, you say your from s.america, you're not argentian are you?

    Look I've got a Phd in Moss cultures, doesn't me to say I'd like to study in antartica, which in damned near the weather you'll be enjoying down there. If your really interested check it out some more.

  3. My boyfriend has been there

  4. nope its thoroughly British, they kicked out the Argentines, its populations is only 3000. It is a good place to view South Atlantic wildlife like penguins

    cold marine; strong westerly winds, cloudy, humid; rain occurs on more than half of days in year; average annual rainfall is 24 inches in Stanley; occasional snow all year, except in January and February, but does not accumulate

  5. It's english speaking...and if you aren't a sheep, there's really little to do there.

  6. very brittish, no population

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