
Has anyone ever Died from a peanut allergy?I've heard that it can cause serious problems but not death yet.?

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I have checked all of the credible medical sites and none of them confirm any deaths caused by eating peanuts.I don't want to be difficult but I need to get it right for a report.




  1. a severe allergic reaction (and peanut allergies usually fall into the severe category) can lead to full blown anaphylaxis, which will certainly lead to death without immediate treatment.  anaphylaxis is always a medical emergency.

  2. It happens all the time. That's why there are so many warnings out there about the use of peanuts or peanut oil in different foods.

  3. It's called anaphylaxic shock and it can happen with any allergy, depending on how sensitive a person is to the allergen.

  4. Yes, people have died from a peanut allergy.  In the US there are more than 30,000 emergency room visits a year due to peanut allergy reactions.  Last year, 2,000 people were admitted due to peanut allergies, with 150-200 dying from anaphylactic shock.

  5. Yes, a person can.

  6. Yes, peanut allergies can cause death.  What happens is your body thinks that peanuts are something that needs to be attacked, so your body attacks the foreign substance causing you to begin to have an allergic reaction. Each time you are exposed to peanuts, your body becomes better and faster at recognizing the peanuts so the reaction is faster and more severe.  If you are exposed enough times to peanuts, you can die within 60 seconds. If you have been prescribed a Epi pen, you should carry it with you at all times. Sometimes, you can receive shots and become desensitized to your allergy.

    Hope this helps!

  7. Yes, it has caused death!

  8. yep food allergies can be fatal.  Take a look at this:

  9. yes u can die from peanut allergies absolutley 100%

  10. yes you can die from a peanut allergy

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