
Has anyone ever actually tried to train a Red Tailed Boa?

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OK first let me say that I am an expreianced snake owner. I am not looking for advice ON or about Boa ownership, feeding or care.

I have owned a new boa since Feb of this year and I handle him daily. He is very smart and is very good at expressing his likes / dislikes and to some extent what he wants and does not want (he HATES water but he's getting uses to it.)

Because he is so good with strangers and behaves so well I am considering attempting to train him, (He is a little over a year old.)

SO I am asking experianced handelers to chime in with any luck they have had in training their snake.

My snake knows his tank and LOVES it, I have trained him to crawl in on his own (unattended (he thinks, i watch from afar). He is still small but people are prejudice so when I am going shopping I have taught him to stay in my breast pocket if I think people will freak out about him being around my neck.

I want to teach him to do more, any ideas or advice?




  1. What do you mean, teach him to do tricks? Snakes don't really learn very well. Nor do snakes have the ability to think or feel emotions. You mention your snake is smart, and since they can't think, this isn't true. Their brain is not capable of thought process or emotions. I have 150 snakes and none of them feel emotions such as like or dislike. They react based on instinct although they have the ability to be accustomed to human contact. The most you can hope for is it to be gentle around people. It crawls into its cage on its own because it feels comfortable there, not because it was trained to do so. Some people may think their snake likes them or is happy, but any biologist will tell you otherwise. Sorry if you don't like my answer.

  2. train him to play fetch??

  3. in twenty years when he dies of old age you can train it to be a belt.

  4. Snakes can't be trained.

  5. you have had the snake less then a year and claim to be experienced ? well if you believe that you trained a snake to hide in a pocket and go back in its cage on its own your must not have much experience with snakes  try holding a rat and then  putting your hand in front of him see how smart he is then...  the first post was right they are not smart and do not learn to do anything.

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