
Has anyone ever? and what do i do to fix this ?

by  |  earlier

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has anyone ever been in a relationship with an angrangryson who is just mean all the time I'm in love with my girl friend but for the past few mothes she has been nothing but angry always mad about something i love her but beging wbeggingmeone like that makes you mad and that is not the type of person iam the reason im askinI'mthis now since we have bee together 2 years is because she was not like this before i dont want to let her go its just that this takes away from the person i feel in love wit you know what i mean i have talked to her about it over and over i just need help its makin me not want to be around her what to do???




  1. Yeah've described a less complicated version of the issues, but there are issues to address indeed.  Your son is acting out his anger for reasons unknown.  Therefore start there.  He is looking for direction and guidance from you..."the parent".  Consider going for counselling with him and/or yourself to cope through this difficulty working towards resolve.  He is dealing with change/s in your life that may be affecting him.  Everyone needs to calm down...step back and address "anger" the negative behavior, and turn it into a positive behavior.  Perhaps anger management would be beneficial for everyone.  As they say you never know when you're going to learn something new...therefore remain open minded.  As said you don't want to let the girlfriend go...however, your son is your responsibility and priority right now.  You need to help him and children learn what they see...sometimes actions speak louder than words.  He needs to see you, as a father, and a man who has the capability of self-control in all situations making the wise choices.  This is where they learn trust and vision respect.  In example...per say...watching you take care of yourself responsibly in all areas, job, household chores, personal hygiene, mental and physical fitness including doctor visits, and counselling if need be, volunteering in community events, and so seeing you do...he will have a mind picture of his responsibilities to himself as a young man.  Perhaps taking a break from your girlfriend for awhile would be beneficial to all of you.  You need to focus on your son's life right now because he is your priority.  Perhaps you could sit down and ask your girlfriend for time-out to address these issues with your son and/or yourself.  These are only a few suggestions I have given, based on little information you have shared here.  I am hopeful it was helpful, and wishing you all the best as you work towards resolve.  Thanks for asking.

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