
Has anyone ever applied for unemployment insurance?

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Got laid off last week, and work in an industry that is hurting right now. I also live in a place that's hard (but hopefully not impossible) to get an equal level position.

Has anyone ever done the unemployment thing? How does it work? Does it hurt your credit rating or anything like that?

Don't want to go this route, but it's nice to have the option.

I guess......




  1. Don,t know where you live , but in Canada you can apply for UIC as soon as you become unemployed. There is a waitng period and any severance pey, vacation pay etc that you received will be considered before you can receive benefits.  It is your right to claim it though, you paid into the plan. It will not affect your credit rating, that only happens when you default on payments.  Good luck in your job search!

  2. never

  3. Yes, I have done this.  It was many years ago.  If you get laid off you just go and sign up.  It could be due to down sizing or being unjustifiably fired.  As for me, I was fired because I was pregnant.  It was against the law, and they had to pay me.    It doesn't do anything for your credit rating.  It is actually compensation while you are looking for a new job.  You are entitled to it.   It doesn't pay very well, but it is something to tide you over. It also depends on how long you were with the company as to how much you would get.  You actually have been paying into it if you were working anyway, so it's just some insurance money for you in return.

    When you sign up, You will also have to be actively seeking employment while collecting.  I can't remember but I think that I had to have two potential employer contacts per week with either interviews or job applications sent to.  You just have to record the data and any results, like they weren't hiring at this time or they plan to contact you for an interview.  Then when you are hired, you let them know at

    the unemployment office and they discontinue your benefits.  I can't remember how many weeks you can be on unemployment, but I am sure they will tell you.   Hope you find a job, but be sure to apply right away so you can get in their system.  Jobs are tough all over right now.  Good Luck and hope things work out for the best.

  4. Yeah, I love it. Wish I was eligible now.

  5. It doesn't hurt your credit rating.  Lots of people collect unemployment benefits.  

    You "prove" you're looking for a job by supplying your case worker with the names and numbers of the places you've sent your resume to, and interviews you've had.

  6. Im on it now, I got laid off ......First you pay into it with every check (Unemployment and Disability).  In the State of NJ it goes by a base year, approx 12 -18 months from the date before you were terminated or laid off.  They calulate if you worked at least 20 base weeks within that time or made at least $7200.  They always go by base weeks first no matter how much you made....From there they determine your benefit amount its not going to equal your normal check (little less then half) you fill out a form online you get a letter within 2 days that shows if you are eligible .  The next step is contacting your former employer to find out what happend -be aware some employers fight unemployment since they have to pay a portion of it.....State of NJ is 1/3 from employee (ie your paychecks you got) 1/3 former employer and the rest from the state.....Dont know why you wouldnt want to go for it, the way the job market is, that money which you pay into can come in handy - its not charity you worked for it....Good Luck

  7. I don't know of any reason not to apply for unemployment compensation, as a matter of fact, there is a good reason not to defer it.  When you apply for it, the amount you are paid are calculated on what you earned and how many weeks you worked during a "base period" during the previous year.  Deferring your application could reduce the benefit you receive,  While you are collecting the unemployment, you will be required to show proof of the fact that you are actively seeking work.  If you were working the entire base period, most states will pay you for 26 weeks.  Often, the US Congress will enact legislation extending this another 13 weeks when unemployment is at a high level and jobs are more difficult to find.  It will not affect your credit rating (although being unemployed probably will).

  8. To the best of my knowledge, you will be the first person EVER to apply for unemployment.

    It does not hurt your credit.

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