
Has anyone ever been abused?

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If you did you don't have to tell a long story..not's like I know you anywaysss. I just want to see how many people on here have..:o(




  1. I was verbally abused for years by my spouse.  My dad was a binge alcoholic and it was a toxic home environment growing up.

  2. Yes I have.

    My father was very abusive to my mom. He threatened to kill us many times.*

  3. Yes, when I was younger and so was my mom, sister, and two brothers. We are older in our 40's now! Grew up with an alcoholic step-father. We are all survivors and we now are living wonderful lives in different states. I thank G-d for my life with my husband and 3 sons. I thank G-d for all that He's done and for the guidance and peace that I now have.

    If any of you are dealing with a past and it is out of control, please, please go get some help because it will ruin your relationship with your husband/wife, friends, and family. I would also recommend a book by Dr. Laura Schlessinger called "Bad Childhood, Good Life", great book. Also, remember that you are not alone, there are people who care and love you!

  4. Many times toddler  to age 45 <-----( assault thr night before I buried my mom... )....

  5. I am the unwanted child of an alcoholic mother, who drank to excess while pregnant, hoping that i would miscarry. As a child, the abuse escalated to the point that i was convinced that she was trying to kill me.She broke both of my hands in an electric mangle, would knock my head into the wall, beat me with electric cords til i bled. I have had at least 50 concussions,and I still stand. My friend, it is my sad duty to tell you that you are not alone, but that being said, i can also say this, you can recover from this, be made whole, and live and love and allow yourself to be loved. Look at Joyce Meyer, she was abused by her father, and now is a world known evangelist.The hardest part of recovering from this is to forgive the abuser, after you leave the abusive situation.You are not to blame, it is not your fault.

  6. yes i have been abused i know that it hurts deep inside but just try your best to grow from it evrry day itll get better i know how it is wishing they would stop and sometimes wishing you had diffrent parents,siblings,partner,or who evers abusing you dont give up just pray about it and itll be over after while if you want to tlk you can allways e-mail me @  i hope i can help

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