
Has anyone ever been brought to justice in liverpool over the murder of reece jones?

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Has anyone ever been brought to justice in liverpool over the murder of reece jones?




  1. not yet.. but loads of people know who done it and even police say they know who done it... i hope they find the coward and he gets locked up and he gets battered

  2. Not yet. Liverpudlians have a long history of being reluctant to cooperate with the Police. Someone knows. He was an innocent child. Come forward. Make an anonymous call to the Rozzers.

  3. No.  

    Why is this question under Royalty???

  4. They know who it is but have no evidence.In fact everyone in Liverpool knows who it is.

  5. I beleive there have been a couple of arrests but no charges yet. By the way the name's Welsh and is spelt Rhys.

  6. Not yet. But they will be.

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