
Has anyone ever been diving with dolphins or sharks? what is it like?

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i would L♥VE to swim with dolphins i love the sea ! :D




  1. ******I have lots of experience in this arena.  I work as a volunteer on the SCUBA team at the marine aquarium here in Florida.  I dive with sharks and dolphins every week.  It really isn't that big of a deal so long as you respect the animals and don't aggravate them.

    I have also encountered many breeds of sea life doing open water dives, and there are times when dives were aborted to the the posturing of some predators.  Mainly bull sharks are the ones I am most leary of, as they have more testosterone than any other animal worldwide.  That makes them very aggressive, and they tend to enjoy poor visibility which makes them all the more nerve-racking.  

    Overall, diving with nature's underwater sea life is a great passion of mine, yet I am also aware that man carries no significance at all once we enter their realm.  Respect is a must when encountering these wonders of nature.  Never interfere with wild animals unless you are willing to encounter the potentially fatal repercussions.

  2. I had the opportunity to swim with like 200 dolphins--the water was literally boiling with their activity.  They are really curious and came within touching distance but then would change direction if I tried to touch them (which I did of course).  I could hear them sqeak and whistle underwater.  It was actually intimidating to watch 6 dolphins come speeding at me only to break formation and dive under or around me just when it seemed like they were going to ram into me.

    Sharks on the other hand aren't as gregarious and I would be suspicous of any that were.  They are more just there and being in their presence is an experience unto it's own.  The biggest sharks I ever got close to were bull sharks and I later learned that they are the most tempermental and should be avoided.  Dolphin, whales, and seals are abundant in British Columbia and although it's prohibited to harass them, I think the rules are less stringent when it comes to being around or near them.

  3. it was pretty cool... the dolphins were SO CUTE!!! :D

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