
Has anyone ever been obssesed with you or worshiped the ground you walked on...or the other way around?

by  |  earlier

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  1. There was this one guy..

    And it was absolutely disgusting and freaky. More of a stalker, if anything D:

  2. Yes. it was obsessive i did not like it i felt like an object and like he was to clingy and just i dont know. i did not like it

  3. Yes, this  happened to me.  It felt very claustrophobic - he had me up on some kind of pedestal so I couldn't just be me.  

  4. Yes I had this happen once and it almost turned fatal.  I underestimated him and he turned violent when he got tired of me telling him I wasn't interested.  It was intense and luckily I walked away with my life.

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