
Has anyone ever been on a trip with People to People's Student Ambassador Program?

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I have been invited to these things throughout high school and iI was wondering, is it really as prestigious as they claim it is? Is it worth the money? Just little details... basically, Did you have fun?




  1. I've received an invitation as well, but I've never gotten one myself. I think it would be more fun if you went on your own time. It would probably save money to. You may want to compare the prices of going individually or going with this Student Ambassador Program. But no, I've never went. And the invitations are solely given out by teacher recommendation. I don't think it has anything to with grades or conduct.  

  2. I had many invitations throughout high school as well. I actually looked into the program and found out it's bogus.

    Check this out:

    A dead cat got invited as well as a "long deceased" child. As might have guessed, it was a huge turn-off. I suggest you invest you time in volunteering or something more productive that'll look good on your resume, like an internship.

    Good luck :)

  3. I went with People to People three years ago, to Australia. It wasn't a hard process to be accepted at all. It was definitely worth the money as well. It's expensive, but I believe it's cheaper than if you were to plan the trips with all of the same tours on your own. I had the time of my life, and I guarantee that you will too if you participate.

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