
Has anyone ever been to Granada, Spain, if so what's it like?

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Has anyone ever been to Granada, Spain, if so what's it like?




  1. Yes, bigger than I expected! Its a very large Moroccan influenced City, lots of history and very beautiful, but very hard to park your car! Also couldn't get into the Alhambra Palace as it was too busy and the doors closed....very disappointed.

  2. Depending on the reason you are visiting Granada. If it is for language developing purposes then the smaller cities such as Granada, Sevilla, Salamanca are the best places to become fluent. Because in the much bigger cities you will find more people that are bilingual and they would prefer to practice their english on you, a native speaker. Now if you aren't visiting for that reason then, Granada is a good place to visit during a one day trip. I would visit El Alhambra, and the other tourist attractions. There are "thousands" of catherals in Spain alone, so many that once you've seen around 5-10 of them it's like seeing too many. I do encourage you to visit Granada and any other city in the Andulacia area because the architecture and customs have a Moorish feel to it.

  3. Am in Granada now. Weather is cold and wet (7-10C) at the mo and can be VERY cold at night. Nightlife active but be careful on your own(check with local tourist offices). There is a walking tour which leaves Plaza de Carmen( in front of town hall, off Reyes de Catolicos) at 11:00 every day. Duration 2.5 Hours but English is spoken. Also see Alahambra and Sierra Nevadas. People are pleasant especially if you try to speak Spanish. Also siesta (1400- 1700) taken VERY seriously. Supermarket in City centre is a bit pricey but does the job and eating out relatively inexpensive

  4. Back in the 70's, it was hot and dry, lots of olive trees and country, lots of history about the King and Queen's palace.  I know I enjoyed the tour, but it was a long time ago.

  5. Man what a bummer to be in Granada not not be able to get into the Alhambra!  When I went there I spent most of the time visiting there and the Generalife. Two of the most beautiiful palace type places in have seen.  Also, had drinks outdoors in a big square near the Catherdral and had a great dinner at a restaurant called "Sevilla" (go figure) I wish I had stayed another day to explore Albaricin and Tapas bars....

  6. Granada Spain, together with Cordoba and Sevilla, is considered one of the three precious jewels of Andalucía. See for more details

  7. It a good place to be. If you come don't forget to visit:

    The Alhambra (palace from the Middle Age) and it's gardens (called the Generalife).

    The Cathedral.

    The zone of Realejo.

    The zone of Albaycin and it's morish stores (take care, don't go in the night)

    Don't forget to eat tapas in a real bar. The inlanders ussually take it with beer (cerveza). With every beer you take the bar gives you a tapa to eat with. Beer + Tapa =1.6 eur.

    The night life. The city has 60.000 college studients so there are thousands of pubs, bars and clubs.

  8. No, but if you go, can I come along?  I'll carry your suitcases!

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