
Has anyone ever been to India to study for anything that takes one year advice???

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I am currently doing a 4 year degree in history at edinurgh university. I am hoping to take the next year out to study in india, but am having trouble finding info from the websites of the indian uni's. Has anybody studied in india, for a year doing anything related to history, politics, religion, philosophy, sociology or anthyropology? if so where and do you have any advice?




  1. hmmm no advice from me cause i dont know

  2. You may have a tough time doing that. My understanding is is that Indian colleges tend to be government subsidized and difficult to get into. I dont think their websites are even geared to encourage people going to them. I dont think it will be very easy to go.

  3. Get your shots...and don't drink the water or eat in the couldn't get me within a thousand miles of that place...I am an engineer and an indian i work with says he hates goign back there, he says it's filthy and terrible....

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