
Has anyone ever been to Sicily?

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i'm moving there in December!




  1. I was stationed there for two years. Best time of my life. I was stationed at Sigonella which is about 15 min. from Catania. Catania is a great city and the second largest. The nightlife is great there. About thirty minutes north of Catania is Taormina which is possibly the most beautiful city I ever saw. It has three levels to it on the side of a cliff overlooking the Med. Sea. Beware of the top portion of the city though if you make it there, they have some strange fascination with the male organ in an aroused state. All the little shops have statues of naked men at attention. Make sure to visit Enna and the Valley to the Temple of the Gods also. Carnivale is a great time each year there also. I'm sure you will have fun. Embrace the culture and you may never want to return.

  2. Sicily is pretty cool, but it's not a short trip to get there.  Unless you know someone, or have lots of time (at least three weeks in Italy for Sicily to make the list), I'd pass on Sicily.  Don't get me wrong, I liked it, and there were things to do.  But there is so much else to see in Italy that it's a tough one to squeeze in without the time.  The food is quite different, which I like.  The people were friendly (like most Italians).  hope that helps....

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