
Has anyone ever been to bariloche argentina?

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If so what did you do?

Did you eat any chocolate and where?

im curious tell me.




  1. I've been there quite a lot of times since I live very near. The city is similar to those in Switzerland because of the altitude (cold climate and beautiful mountains), and the lakes makes it even better. I strongly recommend you to travel to Bariloche or to a Patagonian city located within the mountain range.

  2. I was there during the Summer outside of ski season coming from Puerto Montt across the mountains and lakes .  Many shops sold chocolate and stylish clothing like they do in Switzerland at ski resorts.

    There is one street along the 'main drag' where the sidewalk is paved with ancient fossilized sandstone coming from a beach that existed many millions of years in the past.  One can actually see the ripples on the surface of the paving stones from the last wave that past over the sand.  See if you can find that, it was a beautiful experience to me

  3. Been twice. First time I stayed at Hotel Tres Reyes (quite old!) and the second time at Edelweiss hotel (5 stars). There is a principal street called Mitre and all the important shops are there.

    About chocolates: there are thousands but the best are either Mamushka or Fenoglio. Believe me, I've tried them all and these are the best. Avoid Casa del Turista, their chocolates are cheap but so does the quality. Best icecreams in Fenoglio.

    Restaurants: Go to Familia Weiss for meats and cheeses, very nice. The best fondue is at La Marmite, best parrilla (bbq meat) is Donde Alberto.

    Tours: do Circuito Chico which will take you to Cerro Campanario for the best sightseeing in the world!! Do also Cerro Catedral ski resort and if you can go to Isla Victoria and Bosque de los Arrayanes which is quite beautiful.

    Boutiques are quite expensive but restaurants and food is relatively cheap. Love Bariloche, and I slao went to Villa La Angostura which is like 2 hours from Bariloche.

    Try and buy some of the products of Familia Weiss, they have nice patees, cheeses, etc.

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