
Has anyone ever been to leicester?

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if so where have you been in leicester and what did you think




  1. I lived just outside of the dump for a few years. It is a real dump, garbage everywhere. and unfortunately full of Muslims. Who are taking over and pushing their will on to every aspect of the Leicester peoples life.

    Everyone who lives there also has an awful accent.

    Stay clear.

  2. Yes, city centre, what a dump. Then I found the escape route.

  3. I lived there in 1967.  It's been on decline ever since.  It is a disjointed unattractive city with far too many immigrants.  I understand it is the first city to have immigrants as the majority.

  4. i thought it was very nice indeed !!

    my aunty lives there.

    nice place.

    And comment above Dont be soo F*kin RACIST !

  5. yes, i only drove around it and it was awful!! far too many traffic lights and no guidance as to wot lane you should be in!

    i will avoid it wherever possible.

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