
Has anyone ever been told this?

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Im 8.5 weeks pregnant, on aug 1sr my hcg levels were 97, aug 4th they were 232, aug 11th they were 3301 and aug 25th they were 11,209. I had an ultrasound done at 6 weeks and it only showed a gestational sack and a yolk, no fetal pole, then I had a repeat ultrasound done last Thursday at 7.5 weeks and still it only showed a gestational sac and yolk. My dr called me this morning and said I need to be seen today because the results of my ultrasound are abnormal. Im guessing this means Im going to miscarry, he didnt say anything else other then to tell the nurse to over ride his other appointments and get me in ASAP. Im so scared, im 34 i have 1 handsome son that is 16 but my husband and I have been trying for 7 years to have another baby. I have had 2 ectopics and a chemical pregnancy, now this one. Has anyone else been in a situation similiar to this and had a positive outcome? Im sorry for all the typose but its hard to see through all the tears




  1. I had a similar situations, it went like this.

    May 14, LMP

    June 17, BFP

    June 27, should be 6 wks 2 days, only sack on ultrasound

    July 1, hear from Dr office told my HCG level on the 27th was only 25

    July 7, Dr appointment, Dr told me HCG was way too low, told to stop progesterone supplement and wait to bleed, blood also drawn

    July 9, heard from Dr Office told my HCG level on the 7th was 16,000

    July 10, ultrasound showed heartbeat

    Now I am 14 wks 5 days pregnant (after my due date has be recalculated)

    So sometimes wacky things can happen and still be OK, Good Luck.

  2. I'm sorry to say no I have not seen a positive outcome from a situation similar to this. I hope yours ends up better. Best wishes

  3. your HCG levels sound good they were doubling and going up. at 6 weeks sometimes they cannot find a heart rate or the baby at almost 8 weeks the baby should have been viable but sometimes they hide. The doctors news doesn't sound comforting but just pray! I will be praying for you. I had a miscarriage 8 weeks ago yesterday and am 8 weeks pregnant. You are extremely fertile after you do miscarry and I know this isn't the best of news stay positive maybe they will do another ultrasound I would definitely have them test your HCG levels again because my doctor said when your levels double the rate of miscarriage goes down. He said if your going to miscarry they are not going to double like they are suppose to. I am 8 weeks and had my first ultrasound Tuesday and we did see the baby and the yolk sac and  heard the heartbeat. But I've read online where some babies were not found and then found around 9 weeks.... Hang in there!

    God Bless again I'll be praying for you and your baby and your family!

  4. It sounds almost like a blighted ovum. That's what I had during my first pregnancy back in May. I'm not sure what to say...I really wish that there was some words that I could come up with to comfort you.

    If you need to talk or anything, please....feel free to email me.

  5. I've never heard of HCG levels being so high.

    I hope everything turns out okay.

  6. This happened to me, where I went for the scan and saw no baby.  My outcome was not positive but there are many stories out there.  It sounds like he is going to try to give you a D&C.  Which will remove the pregnancy.  I would wait if I were you.  7.5 weeks is still a little early especially if you have a tilted uterus.  I miscarried naturally at 9.5 weeks.  I preferred that because then I never had to have the doubt.

    This website has a lot of stories just like yours where the baby was found sometimes as late as 10 weeks.  Keep scrolling down on the page.  You will see a section for Blighted Ovum and also Baby found at 8 weeks, Baby found at 9 weeks.  

    There is a really high chance you will miscarry, but there is always a chance you may not.  I had my miscarriage on 8/2 so a month ago.  It is a horrible thing to go through but it does get better.

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