
Has anyone ever bought from this web site?

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Double day book club? is it a scam? i tried to buy some books and didnt go through are they going to charge my card?




  1. Never heard of double day book club. Never buy anything from websites you don't trust because some websites are created to steal your credit card numbers. Good luck.

  2. April i was a member of Double day for years. You have to pay for the shipping and you have to pay postage to write back to stop books from coming you dont want. THey really let you get all those free books and more as you subscribe. You can probably get all the same at used book store in your area and no postage. They are reliable.. and the books are brand new.

  3. They have been around for years so I doubt you will get scammed.If it didn't go through,then there is probably no way they can charge you.

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