
Has anyone ever broken up with someone in the past then l8er in life reunited and got married ?

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share your stories, and why do you think you guys broke up




  1. My first love, 35 years ago, we've been in touch occasionally during this time and met up 5 or 6 times.  We met again last week and I still love him but he's married to an old friend of mine.

  2. My cousin did that.  She and a guy in HS dated a couple years, broke up, went to different universities, ended up getting married later.  Both had serious relationships between.

    I guess both of them matured somewhat in the interim.

  3. I dated this guy when I was 18 and we broke up because he was going to college and wanted to experience life. Well we dated off and on for several years while he was serious with other girls and neglected to tell me about it. I finally broke it off and married someone else because he was never going to commit to me or take me seriously.

    We met up again 10 years later and rekindled our romance when I was separated from my husband. I thought it was great and we would be happy. However, he never changed. Come to find out he was married and was dating me on the side. When I found out he kept promising me I am going to leave her, but that was total BS. So I broke it off with him, because he never changed.

    However, I believe some people who do rekindle a romance later on life can work out if the reason they broke up was due to having to move, but nothing serious like him cheating or so forth. I also believe they have a better chance of making it if they are both not married when they meet the second time around.

  4. I found my first love, after 23 years. I had to move. So he moved on

    married had 3 kids.. Life is not fair. But we still talk by email.. I love him  but its pointless  Who  knows whats going to happen in life.

    Maybe will see each other again.


  5. My parents were married for 5 years. Divorced for about 6 months and then remarried... now have been married for 27 years.  

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