
Has anyone ever confused a real contraction for a braxton hicks contraction?

by  |  earlier

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Is it possible to be having real contractions and think they are braxton hicks or is there an obvious difference in the two? I'm talking about early labor...?




  1. Well honestly, I get some that seem to be right in the middle...  I think there is a very fine line between the two, and the only way to tell is that if the braxton hicks stop when you get up and move around... if you get up and they get worse, then you got some possible labor contractions...

  2. all the time, I had them for a day or so with my daughter and 5 hours in a row a week ago.

    Its hard to tell sometimes...

  3. well there are differences but i'm wondering about this too. cuz supposedly braxton hicks aren't supposed to be painful but i have symptoms of both so i get quite confused.

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