
Has anyone ever considered the possibility that the reason ancient egyptians have pictures of spaceships and?

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other "modern" inventions, that it is because they were the ones who built them. Whose to say that they and other ancients did not all have spacecraft parked in their garages? look at this,

If the only trace of us in 1000 years will be the hoover dam, will scientists of the future be bewildered about how such an unsophisticated race built such a grand structure as the hoover dam? and maybe some of the ufo and/or uso sightings are actually our ancient ancestors...




  1. You might also want to look into old Sanskrit writings about battles involving airships.

  2. UFO's are actually time machines.

  3. I believe there are more books of the Bible to be I think there's a chance there's a lot buried about UFOs in those days that we haven't found either. Maybe it was a normal thing for have spaceships & space people or even  spirits flying around.Maybe that's what the "myths" about the "gods" were based on. Or ..maybe they weren't allowed or were afraid to draw or write anything about them. Or maybe they considered these phenomena so "sacred" that they hid them in hard to find  places. (These are just "maybes")

  4. The link took me to You Tube but not to a specific video.

    If the scientist of the future are from another planet and visited us now they would already wonder how such savages that spend all of their resources on killing one another every managed to stop long enough to build anything.

    I don't think the Egyptians had flying space ships but I do suspect some of their technology/magic was more advanced than we commonly think. Perhaps they had primitive batteries (electricity) and some way of air travel (hot air balloon) and things like that.


  5. Well...actually...for all those who don't believe Egyptians had pics of space craft looking objects, you are quite wrong.

    Real ancient Egyptian hieroglyphs have recently been found in Australia. It isn't really that public or well known but they are there. The hieroglyphs describe the Egyptians story of journeying to Australia and how they crashed on shore and how their leader died etc etc. But in one of the pictures, in the upper right there is a shape that many people actually believe is a space ship of some kind.

    Anyway, I couldn't see your video, but I will try to answer you anyway...

    I believe the ancients were much smarter then we could ever be with their resources. I mean, the ancient Romans had surgeries on a daily basis and the tools and procedures are almost identical to ours. Look at the dimensions of the Great Pyramid, could we really do anything like that on such a scale? Stone Henge, the Pyramids, The Lighthouse at Alexandria (which was not only used as a lighthouse, but as a warning system) the list could go on forever!

    In Egypt, there have been carvings found and small models of flying machines found. I'm not sure if they were ever made, but they were sure thinking about it and they were smart enough to be able to do it (in my opinion).

    Who knows what people will think of us in the future. I hope we sound smart but I don't know.

  6. I don't believe there are any ancient pictures of space craft.I'll never figure out why some people do this.Why do they want to give credit to space aliens.I prefer the ancient humans get the credit.I'll bet if reincarnation is real. Any ancient Egyptian engineer hearing that spaceman theory.He is going to be very angry.

  7. I dont know if the Egyptians built spaceships or if they got that technology from someone else.

    I was just watching a show today in which they found an Egyptian Mummy had knee surgery, something that we just recently rediscovered.

  8. The Egyptians didn't create pictures of spaceships or other modern inventions. That's a myth arising from the natural erosion of these hieroglyphs along with the tendency of the human mind to pattern-match known objects to unfamiliar shapes.

  9. I do not believe the Egyptians invented these things or had easy access to them.

    I do think it is highly possible that we are an experiment by beings from another planet or dimension and that the Egyptians were were just drawing what they saw.

    I don't think Erich Von Däniken.  was that far off.


  10. I don't believe anywhere on the Rosetta Stone was a word meaning spaceship, alien, UFO, or flying saucer.  There is a hieroglyph that you do not know the meaning of but it looks like it might be a plane or a spaceship.  That does not mean it was a plane or a spaceship.  It just looks that way.  Until you find evidence to support that it was then it makes no sense to just assume it is of something extra terrestrial.  You would need to find evidence like the actual advanced technology or a mummified alien or something to back this up.  This has not happened.

    Scientists today are not bewildered about how the ancient Egyptians could build the pyramids and other structures.  It is amazing what you can do with a gigantic workforce.  There are some questions they do not know the answers to but scientists and Egyptologists pretty much understand the engineering of the ancient Egyptians.

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