
Has anyone ever convinced you to switch teams?

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Just putting it out there, mostly because of all the questions about who people should root for and the recent complaints from people claiming to be Red Sox fans who are pondering leaving because of Manny Ramirez being traded.

I've always rooted for my hometown (New York) teams and will NEVER switch. But I'm interested to know if anyone has ever stared rooting for one team and then been convinced to root for a different squad. If you did switch, what was the clincher and were you totally satisfied with your choice?

Start it up, folks.




  1. Just sexually lmao. Sorry, couldn't resist.

    Baseball wise, I always cheer for the team I like, not necessarily the team to where I come from or team as to what city I live in. If I feel the players, team, dont have what it takes I dont cheer them on. Might do so the next year. I dont cheer for teams because of location, and name, but rather who makes up the team.  

  2. Like you i am not from New York, but my Yankees are my Passion in life and nothing will ever change that my Alliance and love and faith will come with me to my grave  

  3. Nope. Always a Yankees fan. Always a Steelers fan. It will never, ever change.

    Manny's departure could be good for RSN. Might get rid of some of the "fans."

  4. I don't really pay too much attention to the Red Sox, or Yankees situations, as I think they are highly overrated (Bring on the thumbs down, I can take it).

    So, sitting here in the Northwest corner of the US, I'm stuck with the 2nd or so worst team in baseball to call my own. I've gone to 6 games this season (Once at Shea actually, on a trip to NY), and we've lost each and every time.

    After 2001, the Mariners just lost their glory; nobody respects them anymore. Half the fans themselves are almost suicidal.

    You pretty much wouldn't have to convince me, I'm on the verge of picking a new team on my own accord.

  5. I am a Yankee fan and have been ever since I fell in love with baseball. I can't think of anything that would make me switch teams. I plan on being a Yankee fan for the rest of my life.

  6. lol.... switching team?  no.  manny was the worst influence on this team since mo vaughn, the drug addicted puppy miller.  funny how a few million dollars makes a struggling AAA player feel all uppity and self-righteous enough to take the walking tour to first on a routine ground ball double play.

    the red sox will always be the red sox, home of pesky, williams, yaz, rice and ortiz.  god bless red sox nation.  they chose wisely.  they only ones to leave will be the pink hats.

  7. ive always been a dodgers fan and will never switch

  8. I don't really root for the teams as I do for players I like. I was a huge Buffalo Bills fan back when they had Kelly, Thomas, Reed, Smith, Beebe, Tasker, Bennett, and all those guys. But as those players left, I didn't have any player left on the team I rooted for. It also works the opposite way too, I have rooted for players that I liked until they went to teams I just can't stand. But for the most part, I'm a homer..Pistons, Tigers, Red Wings, and the Patriots. Did you really think I was going to say the Lions lol.  

  9. I kind of came back to sports and the Angels brought me back a few years ago, and I'm not really a fan of any teams in other sports (I just kind of watch without claiming fan-ship with any specific team). I will say that obviously over the last few years the Angels have given me nothing to complain about, but I will say that I am not one who feels that you must be loyal to a team that doesn't do what they need to do to be competitive. I cannot stand teams that take revenue sharing, benefit from luxury tax redistribution, and still have a team payroll that is less than Alex Rodriguez's. Teams that basically allow themselves to be farm clubs for the Yankees and Red Sox. If I had started as a fan of one of those teams, I would not be a fan of theirs anymore. I can spend my money on any team's merch and I can buy or not buy tickets, and I think it's ridiculous to be loyal to a team that isn't loyal to it's fans.

    That said, call me a bandwagon fan if you like, and even though I disagree (I know my reasons for liking my team), I don't mind. The way I see it I would rather be content in the knowledge that if my team doesn't care enough about it's fans to do what they need to that I can spend my money elsewhere. On a team that is interested in building something, not just lining their pockets and distributing all of their talent are willing to do what it takes so they don't have to pay anybody. I don't get fan fascists. If the Angels got a bunch of bandwagoners I would be happy. More revenue for my team may push the balance to get another bigger ticket player, but hey, I want my favorite rock band to sell more records too. Better insentive for them to make more of them.

  10. I think the point of being a fan is to stick by your team no matter what. Even in 100 years of losses. :) Good question!

  11. I love the Reds and am not leaving them even though they traded away my favorite player in Griffey.  I want what is best for him.  I will always be a diehard Reds fan.

  12. no1 could ever get me switch baseball teams

    i will continue to be a diehard marlins fan for my entire life

    any other sport u can change my opinion easily

  13. yes i have i have my hometown teams but then i sometimes my out of state favorite

    Diehard Yankee fan

    Red Wings



    those are my 4 major sports favorite teams

  14. Well im getting on the LA Dodgers bandwagon while its empty!

  15. lil hockey demon might be the biggest bandwagon fan in the world

    ive lived in the metro area my whole life and i can never switch teams

    when i was younger tho i was a huge barry zito fan (still am even tho hes been terrible as of late) so i still cheer for the A's except when the play the yanks  

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