
Has anyone ever died from a wipeout??

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Has anyone ever died from a wipeout??




  1. yeah some at pipeline and i think 1 or 2 at mavericks

  2. Yes, many people have died at Pipeline.  Usually from drowning due to being incapacitated from hitting the reef.  That's why Pipe is widely regarded as the deadliest wave in the world even though it may not be the biggest.  The last person I recall dying there was Malik Joyeux, a professional surfer from Tahiti.  That was like two winters ago.  

    Mark Foo, a Hawaiian professional surfer and big wave charger, died at Maverick's in California and last year a guy died while surfing Ghost Trees in California but when they autopsied him they found that he was all cranked up on meth, sot hat may have contributed to that.

    I'm kinda surprised you don't hear about it more often from some of the really shallow big wave spots like Teahupoo.  Damien Hobgood got pretty messed up there this year with a broken scapula and large hole in his head.

  3. depends of badly it was

  4. Kim_Dude gave you a very accurate answer. I would just add that there are numerous cases of surfers being paralyzed by C-spine injuries from wipeouts, It is much like breaking one's neck while diving into shallow water. On a brighter note, however, surfing is on the whole a relatively safe sport, and statistically far fewer surfers die or suffer incapacitating injuries than do snow skiers.

  5. yeah heaps pipeline and teuopu in tahiti and ours in australia its just wat i kno ay i live in australia/sydney and there r sum prity heavy waves around here ay ie shark island and ours google them u'll c ay and there my local breaks...go crounulla and take it easy out there ay plz:)

  6. yer loads of people have died forom whipe outs trying to ride huge waves some of 30 feet and more  

  7. no, the courses are actually pretty safe. a lot of padding. also for the last course there are under water divers to insure that no one drowns. I'm pretty sure that there are medical personal on hand as well.

  8. i know a guy that got paralized just north of S-turns about 4 years ago. he landed on his head on the inside--he almost drown.

    kim--did you hear about that? he was from VB--out of respect, i wont say his name--he was a decent surfer.  

  9. Of Course, however it is very rare in smaller waves. It usually happens in big waves in hawaii or at Mavericks.

    The Surfboard Man

  10. wtf is a wipeout ?

  11. Yeah alot of people do, most probably because they go out in big surf which they can't handle and drown -some people need to respect the waves.  

  12. what kinda stupid kook question is that

    mark foo and a bunch of guys at mavericks

    tons of guys at pipe

    even on kauai my uncle picked up a guy while paddling in.


  13. Yes.

  14. what is a wipeout? drowning

  15. I'm pretty sure in Hawaii, some kid broke his back at Terrigal (a beach near my house) when me and my mates were body boarding.

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