
Has anyone ever died in mma or in the sport of fighting?

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got any articles or footage?




  1. I hate is pretty much right with his answer although I heard of a fighter that just died in the last week or so who had been in a comma for several months.  This is one of the reasons why some states have really started to get tougher on fighters being medically checked before a fight by a qualified doctor, not just a qulified medical person, (who could be just an EMT) and having a complete physical in order to apply for a fighters license as well as why referees are encouraged to step in sooner rather than later in stopping matches and awarding a decision.  There was a mother of two a few years back that was killed in a kickboxing match in Kansas City whose experience was zero and thought it would be fun and she was matched with an experienced fighter.  There were several lawsuits afterwords and even an investigation of criminal charges and I believe the promoter lost his license.  Boxing has had several deaths over the years and even in sport karate where it is supposed to be light contact to the head and face there have been one or two deaths so it can happen.

  2. Apollo Creed

  3. no videos but yes people have. It's not as common as you might think though

  4. Only one fighter has died in sanctioned Mixed Martial Arts competition, Sam Vasquez died after a MMA fight in Houston in October 2007.

    Another fighter died in an unsanctioned bout in Ukraine in 1998.

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