
Has anyone ever done something so nice for you that it's brought your faith back???

by Guest64764  |  earlier

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Hello i am an adoptee and have been searching for my birth mother in Thailand for almost 32 years.I am happy to say that i found her, unfortunately she is dying...When i first started searching for my birth family i joined this adoptee site and it has been the best thing for me.I cannot afford to go to Thailand and these beautiful people are helping me get there.Their aim is a month as my birth mums so ill.They are putting together all their flyer points and they have had me open a paypal account also for people to give donations.I am so overwhelmed and i feel so blessed for these people...I just really wanted to share my story.




  1. When a homeless wino took the time to teach me how to read after I escaped from foster care.

    I must have been so strange to him.

  2. (((((((((Mon)))))))))

    Every adoptee deserves all the help they can get sweetie.

    I can't wait to see the pics.

    Crossed fingers here. Sending you loads of hugz.

    Poss. x*x

  3. Yes, yes, yes,

    When my ex-husband abandoned my oldest son and I at a campground and went on a 5 day drunk a fellow camper brought us over "pancake cookies".  I was barely able to say thank you to her.  We had very little food left and I had no transportation or money (we were homeless & living in campgrounds).

    Gosh I was really stupid back then!

    Added:  I am happy for you to be able to reunite with your mom!  Enjoy the time you get with her.

  4. (((Mon)))

    You deserve to see your Mom's face and she deserves to see yours, even if it is only once

    I'm so sorry you found her dying.  I pray that reunion will bring you both peace.

    Your going home to your people girl - that's so amazing. Sniff.

  5. aw wow:) congrats on finding your birth parents too. Im sure everyone would love to hear ur story.

  6. That's so awesome, it gave me the chills.  I'm sorry to hear about your birthmother being so ill.  But, I'm glad you'll get to see her soon.  Take care.

  7. What a bittersweet story.  Happy, sad, but then happy again.

    I hope you are reunited with your birth mother and can tell her all the things you've been rehearsing in your head for the past 32 years.  And what a blessing for her to be able to see the child she gave up before she passes on.  I can't imagine that she ever expected that would happen to her.  You should definitely keep a journal of the entire experience, as you will want to remember every detail.

    I wish you and your birth mother the best.

  8. How cool.  I hope that your time in Thailand is wonderful.  May this be just what you hoped for.  What a blessing that you find your mom before she passed.  Best wishes for a happy reunion.

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