
Has anyone ever encountered zombie debt?

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I was just reading about this and this seems totally illegal to me. Collection agencies are the ones who start this sh**. They need to be held accountable and punished somehow.




  1. Interesting that article - and very timely for me.  It started as an occasional letter to my house now I have a company calling on a cell phone that is not in my name - it's a gift from a friend so that my friend can find me easily.  I wonder who gave them that cell #?   They want me to pay a $300.00 debt that happened in aprox. 1988 or 1989 - it was something that I had not charged and the credit card company wrote it off in the 1990's.  Bull - I am not liable and will not pay it - I just want them to forget my phone number.  From reading that article I guess it's time to write them a letter!  

  2. is happening way too much advise is:

    1) do not offer to make payments as that restarts the clock and lawsuit may be forthcoming

    2) ignore it as there is nothing they can do legally to make you pay other than hound you and resell it to another s*****k company.

  3. OOOOO that happened to me before.  The same debt was paid 3 times!  It was a bill from the phone company for 36 bucks and kept coming back every few years.  I kept paying it because it was easier than fighting it, but now i keep every letter that says my account is paid in full.

  4. The government is already on top if zombie debt collectors.  

    The problem is you are you are playing the game on their home turf, and you don't know the rules!  All you need to do is read up on the law and do some simple research.

    Start by reading the Fair Debt Collections Act and the Fair Credit Reporting Act.  Both of these laws regulate what debt collectors are allowed to do, and if they make one false step you can easily sue them in small claims court for $1000 (or more).  

    Next, read up on your local laws that govern debt collection and statute of limitations.  

    Remember, the only reason these collection agencies get away with these violations is because they KNOW that you don't know your rights.  Once you have demonstrated to them that you understand the law they will leave you alone.

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