
Has anyone ever experienced someone who wants to be like someone in there reference group, politically?

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  1. Absolutely. If my parents are considered my familial reference group, then my early political beliefs were shaped by them.  They were Liberal Democrats, and so am I.

    When I am around uneducated people, I will spout off all kind of horse manure that I don't believe - just to fit in with whatever grouping. When I was homeless, i derived benefit from having a few other homeless people like me for mutual survival (they could be considered my referent group at the time) - the mutual survival benefits outweighed the benefits of being an intellectual.

    Moving on to others, there are some Black people (although I feel that the number is declining) that will at least pay lip service to certain political beliefs, because to do otherwise might be considered "white" or traiterous. The same is true for white people.

  2. No.

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