
Has anyone ever experienced this? What do you think?

by Guest60071  |  earlier

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Ok, My boyfriends mother passed away last Sept. Both of us has sensed that she is around but of course we never really know for sure if its her. About a month after she died my boyfriend just said mum if you are around please give me a sign. So that night he went to bed and the next morning he was woken by his alarm on his phone, which he has set to wake him every morning. But that morning the tone of his alarm had changed. I heard it aswell & said did you change your alarm tone. He said 'no'. He looked at the settings & the same tone as he had every morning was set for his alarm. So out of curiosty he went down through the tones listening for the tone that woke him. You'll never guess what tone it was 'heavenly harp'. Was that the sign he asked his mother for? Well, we don't know. That happened 10months ago. He's after getting a new phone a few days ago. And its his birhday tomorrow. And guess what happend this morning 'heavenly harp' woken him after he asked for a sign.




  1. How about you live in the real world and forget all that mumbo jumbo rubbish.

  2. Whatever helps You sleep at night.

  3. If you believe in spirits and ask an open-ended question like, "Show me a sign", you will interpret just about anything as a sign.

    If spirits can communicate with the living by manipulating electronic devices, why didn't she just send him a text message?

  4. thats amazing he is so lucky that he can still sense his mom, not lucky she died, just knowing she is there! anyways it has happened around me before with my aunt her mom died awhile ago but you can feel her presence everywhere in her house, i could feel it and would sit on the stairs till my mom came upto bed i was that scared and i didnt even know what was wrong. anyways one night she had a dream that her mom wanted lip chap, so she left lip chap out the next night and it was gone. one time, my cousin was home alone and silver went flying everywhere at him. and the last night i was staying there at about three in the morning me and my mom heard footsteps and voices..creepy but cool. anyways try to talk to her, she probably needs to tell you guys something! good luck!

  5. i've had a simular experience loads of times get him to ask again and see what happens

  6. Well, one thing that I believe that I can say with some certainty.  If is not the mother setting the alarm.   She is dead.

    You need to be careful in associating random events with something that may be totally unrelated.

    From what you describe, I really see nothing unusual, and there is no evidence that mother is wandering around.

    Asking for a sign?   What?

    What do I think?   Think you are letting your mind play tricks on you.  

    I know that is not the answer you wanted to hear.  But it is the correct one.  Sorry.

  7. I think it is his mom and it's so cool that she is still there for him!

  8. As long as he knows it is from her, it doesn't matter what people on Answers think.    Thats an awesome sign.

  9. I think it has to be his mother, he is very lucky that she can give him signs that she is still around for him!!

  10. I have experienced that exact same thing, verbatim.

  11. Yes, sometimes spirits of loved ones stay around because most likley they are trying to give your boyfriend a message.

    Maybe that shes "Okay" or someting similar.

    Once she feels he has gotten the message, you wont feel her presence anymore. I'd say he just sit on the floor somewhere in his house and ask into the air:

    "Mom, give me a sign you are here. If you are make a noise, I know you are okay wherever you are. But you have to leave here. Leave here."

  12. yes just keep believing

  13. I have had many experiences such as this and cannot prove it but know with absolute certainty that it is real and their way of expressing themselves. It does not mean that she is stuck here on earth at all. She can effect both sides of the veil.

    Those are sweet blessings. Cherish them.

  14. Just coincidence, you both want something to happen so badly.You must move on, or your whole existence will revolve around the sad death of your b/friends mother. She is gone, but there are memories, that will remain for ever.

  15. I think that is possible to happen,I have never had experiences like that,but it happens to me, that I dream about my death relatives and talking to them in the dreams,and I don't know why, but it seems so real that I just believe, that the ghosts exists...and live in some kind of parallel dimension of our world......Anyway I believe that our body dies and the souls live forever....

  16. that's spooky. It prob was his mum. Stranger thing have happend. When I was little my mum had a sink full of dishes, she was sitting watching telly and I was in my room. A knife went flying for and she turned round to give me a telling off, but of course, I wasn't there. Luckily she wasn't hurt. Got a fright though! So I believe anything's possible

  17. its possible, i beleive it

  18. I haven't

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