
Has anyone ever experienced this? sort of long, but it worries me.?

by Guest57752  |  earlier

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it's happened a few times to me this year.. i will be in the middle of a conversation and i get extremely lightheaded, my arms get the feeling of needle pricks all over them, my ears feel really cold (not to the touch.. just like there's ice being held on them), i sweat uncontrollably, and i get really close to vomiting, and fainting. the only thing that helps is usually laying down exactly where i am, and the attention it attracts is embarrassing. during the whole "attack", anyone i am talking to just sounds like jumble, and sometimes my vision will get blurry. my boyfriend told me that i also get very pale in the face.

the intense part usually lasts about 5 minutes.

what could this be?




  1. It Might Be Billious Attacks...

    I get them Every Now And Again...

    They Are Horrible...

    Go To Your Doctors And Ask them =D

  2. It's your blood pressure dropping through the floor. Definitely talk to your doctor and maybe schedule an appointment with a cardiologist.

  3. It may be a panic attack. They are normal. Talk to your doctor and try to find some choices to handle them.

  4. sound like one of two thing to me one is some form of panic attack the other sounds like a spine/nerve reaction( ?) i would ask your doctor about the possibility of either.  you might reflect on the surrounding circumstances of when these occurrences happen. like what you were doing at the time.  are there any thing in common with each one or are they completely  random?

  5. I have never heard of anything like that before. It sounds really serious though maybe you should see a doctor and see what kind of diagnoses they come up with. Good Luck =)

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