
Has anyone ever fallen off their horse and then been trampled over by him?

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Ouch cowgrll!!!




  1. Yep...

    Was riding along a creek bed about 15 feet above it, and didn't know the winter floods had undercut the bank.

    The bank gave way and we tumbled into the creek.  The horse landed on me in the water.  The ground was muddy, so he just squished me into it.  When he struggled to his feet...he tromped the dog p**p out of me.  Stepped all over me from shoulders to legs.  I rolled over to protect my head.

    Everything got still and when I looked up, I was staring at his belly...and he was looking up the bank.  Sure enough...he jumped and scrambled to get out.  On his leap...his back hoof kicked the back of my head.

    I managed to stay conscious and caught him and crawled back into the saddle for one of the longest rides home I've ever had to make.

    No broken bones...just a concussion on that one.  

    The doctor was very surprised that the wreck didn't terminate my pregnancy.  I was SHOCKED to find out I was pregnant!!

  2. no but thats my biggest fear. but horses have minds of their own.they will most likely avoid you on the ground.

    i think

  3. Almost had a pony fall on me. He was going down and it was going to hurt. Somewhere on the way down I got flung over his shoulder and once my off-balance weight was off his back he caught himself. Had he not been so agile, chances are he would have landed in me.

    Not exactly getting trampled but probably would have hurt as bad.

  4. Yes actually! While doing a 4ft course my greenie to showing that height fence decided to freak at something and spin out of the line we were jumping. I fell off landed under his back feet and his hoof smacked me in the nose while he was leaving the arena. It did not break but I had road rash and a big bruse for about two weeks, lol.  

  5. Short story. Yes. Riding saddle bronc I have have blown my stirrup and was drug in the arena for about 100 feet. When I came too in the hospital 2 days later I was pretty messed up. It's not something I would recommend for a saturday afternoon.

  6. Yes! A few times actaully. It is not a fun experience.

  7. I've fallen off (a lot). I've been run over (almost trampled). But I've never had them happen together.

  8. yeah it hurt really bad but all i did was break my arm(from trying to cath myself  when i hit the grounf what a stupid move) and broke my leg (i even had a horse shoe imprent on my leg from when he stepped on me ) bruised my hands (from hitting the ground) but i still ride and i never think about getting hurt because if it happens it just happens btu the ggod news was that i didnt git disqulifided and got 2nd place because they added 2 sec.  on my time i would have had 8 sec. but had to  settle for 10sec.

  9. One time I fell off, I fell in front of the horse. He managed to jump over me, but I  did get a pretty strong knock in the head from his back hoof as he did so. I've never been trampled after falling though. Horses don't like to step on people.  

  10. Not trampled put I have fallen off plenty of times....When I was barrel racing my old horse Cowboy instead of going around the barrel he jumped over it and landed on half my body......Thats the worst fall for me......Lke they say you aint a cowgirl till you fallen off a horse.

  11. Well I have fallen off a bunch of times, but never trampled.

    I have fallen of while jumping and my horse jumped over me.

    Than I went to a little to river and she started to roll, so I jumped off...Don't no if that counts or not..

    And once my dad'd horse fell on him, she just fell over on him. So he "whipped" her up..I know it mean but she purposely fell on him. (she got into a habit of it.)  

  12. Oh yeah, was not to bad but(more freaked out if anything) when I was at a friends and went on a nice trail ride... We stopped at a nice green picnic area and was starting to jump some small pieces of wood. It was fun for a little while, but then I decided to stay back for a while and just canter around for a bit. I had no clue that the horse was very herd bound. I must of got to far and he grabbed the bit and ran like h**l! I lost my stirrups and was around his neck in no time! About a hundred yards I started losing grip, I attempted to wriggle my way back up but failed. I then decided to jump for it, but as my first option it failed. I slip under his neck and now my friends are all watching by this point. I hit the ground and rolled, but the horse stepped on my shoulder and I rolled and it grazed my forearm and then just barley nicked the back of my head(bad headach for a while only). I sprained my shoulder had it in a sling for a week or more and got cut up a lot. The horse took off down the trail a ways my friend ran to me and her friend went to get the horse. The second time he did that(without a rider this time) I managed to catch up to him and bring em back(with my injuries).

  13. YES. I fell off a welsh pony and it trampled my face before doing a freaking pivot on my face, and cantering back over me to get to his friends, he was horrible. i got a broken nose, by ear was torn in half. four broken fingers, 7 broken ribs and a cracked hip. and heaps of skin ripped of my face. and I'd just like to say that I have no scars and I'm still hot.

  14. I fall off while going over a jump and had my horses foot land on my head.  Does that count?

  15. Well, for me, I wouldn't say "trampled", but knocked around...I was doing a cross-country ride in Ireland, and the horse I was assigned was fresh off a trailer and very headstrong. So, we were coming up to a bank, and rather than going down into it, she leaped upward then came down into it. I got flung forward by the leap and sorta bounced forward, and was in the water. All I really remember is feeling her hooves on the outer edges of my, it was funny though, because when I raised my head out of the water, her back hoof clipped the back of my helmet and I did a faceplant back into the water. No harm done!

  16. yes and it was very painful!!! i also tryed to get on a horse once and it bucked me off with my foot caught in the stirrup!so i ended up with a broken ankle!!ouuccchhhh!!

  17. i've fallen off before but never been trampled or stepped on and the horse that I was riding stopped right in front of me and waited till i got up agian to start nudging me like the weird horse she is =-p

  18. As a kid I run into the barn on horse back .(playing hide and seek)I know I was told NOT TO DO THAT.Well I came in too fast we could not stop.I hit the beam with my shoulder The horse rear went up then I hit my hip.Before for I knew it I'm on the ground the horse was try to get out of the barn.While doing so he step on my arm and leg.I woke up in the hospital with a broken shoulder, hip,arm and leg.The best part I got a 2hour lecture on farm safety.from granddad and dad.At least I didn't get my butt spanked.

  19. I got thrown off a Clydesdale x when she refused a fence. I got thrown over the fence and she then decided to jump. She landed on my stomach but luckily I had my body protector on. Still left a perfect hoof print bruise on me though.

  20. My horse threw me off over her neck, and then she stepped on my back; it left a footprint but, surprisingly didn't hurt much at all. :)

  21. i have never fallen off

  22. ya. when we were going up a bank in cross country, the horse that i was ridding stubled and i flew over his head. then, he tried to jump over me, but he ended up giving me a big kick in the side. i couldnt walk at first and it was really scary!

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