How does it make you feel to hear it? This question is along the same lines as Lara's regarding assumptions. I had never heard this sentiment until I entered the online adoption world. I was taken aback by it because I had never felt that way, though time and time again I would hear "so and so is so entitled" or "APs feel they are entitled..." I must admit that on my "cyber run" I have seen blogs or forum posts from PAPs and APs that I admit make me cringe and I can see how they would fall under the category of entitlement, but for myself I always found it to be a strange concept: entitled to another woman's baby." It doesn't make sense. Why would I feel like I am so unbelievably awesome that some woman, any woman should just hand her child over to me? I don't. I wanted to be a mom to a child that did not have one... at least in the physical sense. My daughter has a mama & we respect and celebrate that, but we came along long after her mother had gone. Entitled, no. Humbled, oh yes.