
Has anyone ever felt this way?

by  |  earlier

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Sometimes when I go to a store that has lots of Hobby Lobby or somewhere with china and glassware...well sometimes...I just want to knock over the display or grab a dish and throw it down, just to hear the crash! Am I alone in this?




  1. I disagree! I feel like doing that do sometimes, occaisionally i just have to leave the temptation is so bad lol (thats only happened like, twice tho that i left). So no you're not alone, one day, when i am rich enough to be able to pay for everything i may well just do it haha (although i suspect i will end up either arrested or locked up in a loony place for a couple of nights hehe)

  2. Are you getting enough exercise? Or maybe you have OCD?


  3.      Harking way way back, I dredge up something about a "psycothemic impulse".  You might try looking it up.  I think the fact that you are talking about it is significant, but I don't know if it is good or bad.  

  4. no i never felt this way so i guess you are alone on this one

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