
Has anyone ever found out they were pregnant earlier then 10 dpo?

by  |  earlier

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I'm trying to concieve and currently 8 dpo. I want to take a test but I'm wondering what the chances are of actually being able to tell this soon. I've read all the stuff about waiting till 14 dpo of later, but it's so hard when your ttc. Just wanted to hear some answers from real women.




  1. Wait a few more days!!  At least 10-12.

  2. I had a positive at 7 DPO with my first pregnancy, but my doctor and I suspect that it might have started out as a twin pregnancy.

    I would wait atleast two more days, because some pregnant women do not even get a + at the 10 DPO.  But, if you are like me you obsessively test anyway.  Just know that if you get a negative, you might still be pregnant and test again.

    I hope you get that +!

  3. sorry, I have never been pregnant, so I do not know :(

  4. read the stories theyre really inspiring and have 1-14 dpo journal some got positives real early.

    keep us updated!! baby dust

  5. It's theoretically possible to detect a pregnancy as early as about 8dpo, but the odds are extreamly thin.

    The literature for First Response indicates that in clinical research, the HPT gave a BFP for only 69% of pregnant women at 10dpo (58% for the digital version).  Anything earlier than that and the odds drop below 50%.

    Given that you only have about a 20% chance of getting pregnant in any given month (and that asssumes you timed the baby dance correctly), when you add the odds of of false negatives, you have less than a 10% chance of getting a BFP before 10dpo.  Even at 10dpo, you only have about a 12% chance of getting a BFP.

    Now I know how hard it is to wait (been there, done that), but unless there is a medical reason to detect a pregnancy as quickly as possible, it's a waste of money to use an HPT before AF is late.  From a financial stand point, it's best to let AF give you the BFN you are most likely to get anyway for free before you start spending money on HPTs.

    Then again, if you're loaded and want to know as early as possible... wealth has it's privleges.

  6. I found out at 9 dpo with my first and 10 dpo with my it is possible. But according to my pregnancy book only 5% of women can test and get a positive that early. So you can take the test tomorrow if you want but be prepared that you may get a false negative, and don't get to dissapointed cause odds are even if you are pregnant it wont show up yet....but there is always that small chance. It worked for me! I wish you the best!!

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