
Has anyone ever freaked out, or died after drinking Red Bull?

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Has anyone ever freaked out, or died after drinking Red Bull?




  1. I doubt you'll o/d on it, it's 32mg of caffiene per can.  If you drank alot, let's say about 10 cans you might be sick.

    I don't think you'd 'freak out' that's something you would do on LSD or Marijuana.

    There was a guy who drank 4x Cocaine energy drinks (like Red Bull but stonger) and was sick straight after, I don't blame it all on the caffiene.

    So I assume it would be the same if you dropped that much of Red Bull even worse 'cuz if you wanted to 1:1 the caffiene content you'd need like x3/4 more Red Bull.

    Caffiene and sugar aren't good ways of getting energy they give you a quick high of energy but you'll comedown after ie, low engery and tiredness.  This is why people who drink tonnes of coffee and red bull are tired after a while of not drinking it as they have bad energy spikes.

    Also you should remember it's not just caffiene, there is alot of other c**p in these energy drinks.

  2. yeh!

    i had an exam and had 2 get up rly early so had like 3 red bulls

    and i went off my nut during the exam sweating and feeling sick ahahah


    but i lived

  3. I haven't heard of any major problems yet, no news stories or anything making the connection between energy drinks and negative physical effects. However,

    any energy drinks should be used in moderation. A lot of them have ingredients that they are not sure about yet, as far as how it effects your body and how much damage they can do. Ones that have ginseng can be very bad for you. Ginseng used incorrectly can damage your heart. I used to drink Red Bull and a few others, but since I have stopped, I feel much better.

  4. I don't think anyone has died from drinking Red Bull...  If anything some people get jittery and talk faster...  But freaking out, i doubt it...  Red Bull is to give you energy...  When you drink it most of the time you feel hyper and with loads of energy....

  5. i haven't heard of huge problems but people say you shouldn't drink it but i drink it anyways = - )

  6. Supposedly... yes...

    But do you think anyone can find an autopsy reports describing the cause of death as "red-bull overdose."

  7. OoooOOo I love that stuff, and nah i don't think so it's only caffine s'pose it just makes people a bit hyper haha ^.^

  8. Freaked out- Oh, yes. A sure chance.

    Died- Most likely, but again, they wouldn't put that on the death certificate. If someone has died from Red Bull it would be a Red Bull triggered seizure or heart attack. Too much can overload your heart and cause a heart attack.

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