
Has anyone ever gone to college in a different country?

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I live in California and recently I was accepted into several Scottish Universities. I've been debating whether or not I would be able to take the plunge and move over there for four years (at least) and I was wondering if anyone had any experiences (positive, negative, etc) regarding similar situations. I'd appreciate any advice anyone has to offer on this subject!




  1. Try a study abroad program over the summer and see if you love it.  If you are ready to plunge into it. Go for it you only have one life. I did a study abroad in France almost. I went to France and got sick. I love the USA. Good luck.

    Pray about it.

  2. I went for a semester in London, and it was definitely difficult at first--it's a huge shock being in a foreign country and away from everything and everyone that's familiar to you. But don't let that stop you--it's such a rewarding experience, and especially going in a college setting you're bound to meet people who are starting fresh just like you, which should make you more comfortable. Remember, you could always transfer back home after you give it a try, but if it's something that interests you, you should definitely give it a shot. Good luck!

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