
Has anyone ever gotten food poisioning from Papa John's Pizza?

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I recently ordered a large pizza with onions, sausage, mushrooms along with an order of cheesy sticks. This was around 12:30 pm. Around 7pm I started having back stomach cramps, chills, diarrhea. I spent most of the night in the bathroom. I did not go to the DR.'s but am sure this was food poisoning. I have not been back to work since to see if anyone else was sick. This was all I had to eat on that given day.




  1. That does sound like typical food poisoning, but remember just bc you got sick from this pizza does not mean anyone else would have.

    It can depend on what your body is used to both in type and quantity of food.  It also could be a totally different illness that just coincides with bad pizza.

    You should hope it is food poisoning bc that will go away fairly quickly while any other sort of infection might require antibiotics.

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