
Has anyone ever gotten pushed in a pool?

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I hate that! My friends always do that! They come out of the water like sharks and drag me in!




  1. nope..thanks gosh!

  2. yes.... why do you ask such a silly question?

  3. i got pushed in 2x but other time like a swim practice i hold on to the diving blocks and so i drag them in

  4. there were little kids in my club team who'd do it all the good times

  5. I always jump in before they can, but if we're playing beaver, my swim coach likes to push me in.

  6. boys are like that

  7. Yeah :) it was pretty funny though!

    As long as it's your friends who do it, and not someone giving you grief, it's all good!


  8. Yeah I get that a lot at swim practice if I don't go in right away my friends will push me in.

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