
Has anyone ever had a McDonald's burger that looks like it does on the adverts ?

by  |  earlier

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i know i haven't, but i've had restaurant meals that look like they do on the menu, hmmmm ?




  1. that burger doesn't exist. they like spray paint it to look good and stuff.

  2. no, but im guessing thats a styrofoam burger on the ad, so i spose its a good thing.


  3. Lets stop dissing micky d's....ok i am a employee and you just pissed me off....we work to the best we can to make what you want......if we mess up we fix it and either give you a refund or for free if we give you 2 apple pies instead of a quarter pounder we give it to you free...we do so much for you and if all you want to do is diss it then go find some other sucker to do it to because we never did anything wrong to you besides feed you!!!!!!!  dONT diSS MCDONALDS WE NEVER DID ANYTHING TO YOU!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  4. Nope

    It's marketing in action. In Falling Down (1993), Michael Douglas character goes bananas for the same thing in a fast food joint.


  5. no...

  6. Yeah I had a double cheese burger that looked just like the picture and the fries always look like the picture

  7. No. Sadly. I'm sure if they looked like they do on the adverts it would taste 100% better.

  8. I have never had a McDonald's burger that looked like a burger

  9. Not personally but a friend did once and i tasted it, it was wonderful. Everything you could expect and more. in one word "orgasmic".

  10. Never. They look greasy and flat when you buy them

  11. NO not ever! They do alot of setting up for the advertisements, mostly using fake look-a-like products, just to make it look oh-so tempting, when in actuallity, the fries only stand up perfectly because they're on pins, and the burger meat doesn't sink into the bun because it's resting on rubber!

  12. I would have to say no, but then again if they glued my burger  together to make it look like the ones they film I'd be pretty pissed.  As far as going to restaurants and getting food that looks like its suposed to... I'd say that's because they hire better quality line cooks.  Huge difference between an 18 year old working thru highschool and 20 year old who thinks he/she wants to be a chef when they grow up.

  13. good luck on finding anything that looks like it is pictured on menu's

  14. Much like celebrities, the pictures always look better than real life.

  15. You ask these questions knowing d**n well you're going to go get you a double cheese burger as soon as you're done being lame on yahoo answers..why does it matter? Its still good most of the time so who cares?

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