
Has anyone ever had a bad first day at highschool?

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I had a not so good day at school yesterday. I accidentally left my locker combination in my locker causing teachers to laugh which made me turn red for the rest of the day and I had to begin the conversation with almost everyone I met which didnt last for long. No guys talked to me at all and finally, I found out I'm in none of my classes with my closest friends. Can someone please give me advice for any of these things & tell me how ur first day of highschool was?




  1. high school sucks the first week

    after a few weeks youll get adjusted and youll love it

    give it time

    my first day of high school i peed my pants when i saw a hot older cheerleader pass by omg she was s**y

  2. Trust me- everyone has these days!

    Don't think that this day will be a representation of what the rest of high school will be like... I finished high school 2 years ago - looking back now my first day was awful but high school marks some of the best days of my life.

    I was alot shyer back than than now- I actually felt like I had a problem with going red from embarressment over anything!

    And about being moved away from your friends- I'm sure many people in your class will be in exactly the same boat as you. You will be suprised at how many new and closer friends you will make than the ones you originally had.

    Don't be nervous- be confident and embrace it! You will regret it if you don't!

  3. actually not everyone have a bad experience on first day but happens to some.and its usually common that when u r new some where u hesitate and people make fun of that

    when i went on first day i started crying bcoz the senior students were enjoying misguiding me to my class.when i asked them wherez computer lab and teachers room they took me to the wrong direction and after when i didn't find it i started crying because 2 and a half hour was spend on this and i waz hungry too and cant find even the canteen.

    but above all after a week i had new friends to enjoy and adjusted very soon.

    and i hope you'll too enjoy later onn.

    good luck

  4. Everyone has a bad first day sometime. You just have to laugh it off and not care. If you laugh about it then it won't seem as big of a deal. I bet that a thousand students have forgotten/lost their locker combo and the teachers just say here we go again. I bet that by the end of the week they won't even remember what happened.

    My first day I was going to a brand new school, I only knew 5 people and two of them where juniors and the other three, I didn't really know or talk to at all. I am and always have been really quiet so it was hard getting to know people, but when i decided that it doesnt matter what other people think about me i opened up and made tons of new friends.

    Just forget about your first day and think about what is happening right now. If you don't make a big deal about it no one else will.

    Hope this was helpful =)

  5. My first day i was falling everywhere. But it was ok, everyone was used to my clumsiness anyway! :P Dont worry if your first day doesnt go as planned it doesnt mean that your whole year wont!

    To the guy above me: you dont really need to tell everyone you know.

  6. Try not to worry about a bad first day to much, it can happen to anybody in any enviroment!

    I like to think that all change is for the best, its the way you perceive it!

    The fact that your closest friends are not in the same classe's is an opportunity to make more friends and good relationships! At first it may seem negative but you will make new friends because of this!

    My answer would be not to worry about your first day, just try and keep a positive attitude and be nice to those around you! That way you will attract the nicest people!

    Best of Luck! My first day of highschool saw me lose touch with a few close friends, but I still kept contact with them, and made new friends along the way!

    Stay positive and enjoy the ride!

  7. Yeah every first day of school of my life is like that and the thrid day nobody cares unless you like bad sick things, ya know I wish they would replace schools with homeschools (none of this get up every day 5:00 AM and get treated like c**p till your not there anymore)

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