
Has anyone ever had a boy friend who was actually careing for them?

by  |  earlier

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i wish i did!




  1. yeah, mine is  

  2. I HAD one, but things just didn't go right. We dated for two years and last month he decided to break up with me for another girl. :(

  3. When my depression was really bad I had tried to kill my self. At the time, my boyfriend thought I was faking and told me to get over myself. He was with one of his friends who happened to be a very good friend of mine as well and when my boyfriend told him, the friend rushed over to my house and probably saved my life. That friend is now the most caring boyfriend I have ever had.  

  4. how about this my fiancee took me to the ER when i had an kidney infection  he would shower at the hospital go to work and come straight back to the hospital and he would tell me he loves me  and kiss me bye very caring and sensitive i got very lucky. my advice to any lady would be ask their boyfriend or significant other what the would do if the end up in the hospital? and if you don't think it is the right answer leave them. my thoughts hope they helped.

  5. Yes.  My wife did, and I cared for her so much that I married her.  And I still sincerely care for her and love her today.  

  6. I wish you knew me and I knew you. If you were my girl friend, I would care for U and you would know it. :D

  7. Well im not a girl and never had a bf lol but im really caring  

  8. he pretended to care. but I knew he could care less about drama in my life.

  9. Of course, and if you don't have one, then get rid of the one you have.

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