
Has anyone ever had a family member become a surrogate for them?

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I was told I would not be able to carry my own biological children.I'm 32 yrs old. My husband's cousin has told us she would like to be our surrogate. She has three children. So we began IVF treatment to make this possible. My first cycle was cancelled do to over suppression of a drug called Lupron. Now I'm on estrogen to wake up my ovaries. In the mean time my husband cousin has been extremely supportive. We signed contracts, & seen a psychologist. We live in NY so the laws here do not recognize me as the child's mother. We will be going to Florida for the birth where they do. Does anyone have any stories or advice they can share in a situation like this?




  1. Its not recommanded. You will always see her and at some point she will have this view that the baby is hers as well. Believe me it happens to someone that i know.

  2. That's a tough one!

    I'm sure she means so so well for you and your husband and what an amazing opportunity, but how would the laws affect you and your family in the future if the child is legally not yours?? As well as your own feelings you have to think if the child will be affected in the future.

    So much luck with your decision

    P xx

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