
Has anyone ever had a neg Hpt and a Neg Blood Pt and was pregnant?

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Has anyone ever had a neg Hpt and a Neg Blood Pt and was pregnant?




  1. You can get a negative if you test too early with either one. But usually when taken at the right time, a blood test is very accurate while a urine test can have false negatives.

  2. Not a neg blood test; They are extremely accurate.

  3. urine yes, you can have a false negative; however, blood is measured in numbers (amount of hcg) and there is no false negative

    Edit:  "HCG is detectable in the blood serum of approximately 5% of pregnant women by 8 days after conception, and in virtually all the rest by 11 days."


    from conception    (mIU/ML or IU/L)  

    7 days                   0 to 5  

    14 days                 3 to 426  

    21 days                 18 to 7,340  

    28 days                 1080 to 56,500  

    35 - 42 days          7,650 to 229,000  

    43 - 64 days          25,700 to 288,000  

    57 - 78 days          13,300 to 253,000  

    Note to the lab tech:  if someone had hcg levels of "less than 5" up to 2 weeks after a missed period, then yes, they might be very early pregnant, but it would have just occured, and would not be by the dates they assumed

  4. I work in a lab and run hcg tests daily (blood ones) and we have had some patients get results of 5 and lower, meaning they are not pregnant... but in fact they were pregnant.  Some women do not produce enough hormones in the beginning of the pregnancy to show up until even a couple weeks AFTER a missed period.  Its not common for a blood test to have a false negative, but it CAN happen.  And just because a Nurse says otherwise doesnt mean they are right.  They are not the ones who run the tests.  thats my job!!

    good luck in everything!!

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