
Has anyone ever had a paranormal experience about their dog.?

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My dog recently died.

Please don't make any cruel comments.

I hope this site doesn't have a "war" going on like R&S does.! (cynics and believers battling it out!)




  1. I haven't but my mother in law will swear she was walking down the ditch bank one night and a dog started walking beside her.  It walked her all the way home and then vanished.  She said it was black with yellow glowing eyes.  I asked her "weren't you scared?" and she said she had never felt more safe.  Weird huh?

  2. I had to put my dog down about 2 years ago.  Since then I have recorded 2 EVPs relating to her.  One was her name being spoken and another was after I asked if she was still around there was a reply, "She loves you".  Both EVPs can be heard at my web site in the EVP section.

    Check it out.  One of our groups interests is animal spirits and hauntings.

  3. My Dad's dog was quite ill and had to be put down. One of the symptoms of his nephritis was the uncommon growth of his toenails.  We could always tell when it was time to clip them again by the exceptionally loud clicking of his nails against the floor.  After we put him down, I would still hear his nails clicking on the hall floor every now and then. It definitely wasn't our other dog as she would hear it too and come to see what the noise was.  My father passed away a few months later and I heard the dog's nails clicking on the hall floor, then click as he came down the stairs (the stairs were carpeted after he passed so there couldn't have been clicks).

    The clicks went into the downstairs room my Dad had used as bedroom, then stopped.  I haven't heard them since.

  4. I love dogs (I own 1 dog and 2 cats) and I'm very sorry about you losing your friend. But no, I have not experienced anything paranormal at all.

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