
Has anyone ever had a positive u-haul experience?

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My MIL is moving from South Dakota to NY and wants to rent a u-haul to bring her stuff out. She already enlisted my husband to come out and drive the truck for her, but with everything I've been reading about u-haul and their service (and conditions of their trucks) I'm getting a little freaked out. What has your experience with u-haul been like?




  1. it always worked great for me

  2. My mom reserved one when she moved out of her house a few years ago, then when moving day came they didn't have any trucks available so she had to scramble to find another truck.

    I've had 2 or 3 pretty satisfactory experiences though, so I think for the most part it's good, your MIL may just want to call a few days ahead to confirm the vehicle will be available.

  3. Everything that I have read is just what you are reading and saying, they are trying to clean up their act by upgrading their products, support and installation but they are still having alot of issues....

  4. It's been a long time since we've used one.  It was probably a good decade or more ago, and I was probably about 10 at the time, but I remember the truck maybe being a little dirty but it ran good and was easy enough to get in and out of.  They're not exactly the most cared for of vehicles, seeing as random people drive them all the time and have no real need other than to get where they need to go.  But they work good.  Just remember that you'll be paying the gas and will have to fill it up (to at least what you had when you got it) when you turn it back in.  And with gas being so high and diesel (what the larger trucks use) being at record highs you might being paying quiet a bit there.  

    Another option would be to use a mover like Stevens or (I think) Atlas.  I know of several people that have used Stevens and were very pleased.  Even for just across town.  And you just pay to have them pack, drive, and unpack the truck.  Less burden on you.  And you could even fly out ahead of them once they leave to get things ready.

  5. I personally have had good experiences but all of my friends have had TERRIBLE ones.  

    My boyfriend rented one and the engine blew (smoke and all) on the way back.  It happened just down the block from a UHaul center and they WOULD NOT help.  They said they had to call the roadside service number and wait for them.  Hours later, a guy came out, fixed the problem and sent them on their (150 mile) way.  (California)

    My good friend and girlfriend were moving and they waited all day for their reserved UHaul.  They didn't get their vehicle until late afternoon although it was reserved for 8am.  They wasted the whole day waiting on UHaul and I think had to rent it for an additional day.  (Washington)

    Unfortunately, they seem to have a near-monopoly on this business.  I've had friends who have used Penske and were satisfied but I don't know their policies, stipulations, etc.  

    I used ABF U-Pack to move from Washington to California.  They were extremely helpful and reasonably priced (if you factor UHaul, gas, one-way fees, hotel and food costs).  It's a smaller semi-truck but I would do use them again in a heartbeat for a long distance move.  They offer (for extra fees) people to help you load up and a ramp (be sure to get this - it's worth it).  On line you can get a free estimate and they won't charge you for the room you don't use (i.e. if you reserve too much space and use less).

  6. I've had nothing but bad experiences with Uhaul.  I switched to Penske, used them twice, and never had an issue.  They're more costly, but well worth the money.

  7. I highly recommend finding another company ... possibly Ryder?  

    I rented a trailer a couple weeks ago and was contracted to return it in the neighboring town 10 miles away.  Upon returning it, I was told it could not be accepted because U-Haul had not picked up their trucks and they were forced to park on a neighbors lot and were in trouble for that.  I called U-Haul and was told to take it to another town 20 miles away from my home and that if I didn't return it that day, I would be charged $40/day.  I explained my husband worked out of town and I was unable to drive two vehicles at once in order to return the truck.  I happened to go through the second town that afternoon after my kids doctor appointment and was told they could not accept the truck either as they had U-Haul trucks parked on the street and the cops were warning them to move them.  I again called U-Haul and was told that it was my responsibility to return it to an agent who would take it.  They suggested one 60 miles from my home!  I was furious.  We ended up parking and throwing down the keys in the second town and on empty due to all the added driving trying to find someone to take it.  I will NEVER rent from U-Haul again and will warn all others against using them.

  8. I've used U-Haul several times and I've never had any problems. Just make sure the truck they give you is safe. If I was concerned about the truck's safety, I would check the tires and brakes and ask to see inspection records.

    As far as service problems, I would go to the place you want to rent a truck and deal directly with them. I have never had any problems.

  9. The best truck I've rented from U-Haul was in worse shape than the worst I've rented from any other vendor.

    The *last*-- and I mean LAST-- couldn't shift past 2nd gear (it was a 3-speed transmission!) and the steering was so vague I could turn the wheel between 11 o'clock and 1 and make no change to the direction of the truck.  That's no exaggeration.  The truck would start to veer in one direction and I would have to swing the wheel more and more and all of the sudden it would correct.  If I accidently over-corrected, I would have to swing it way over to the other side and hope when it caught it didn't over-correct there, too.

    Aside from the last one, the other U-Haul trucks I've rented were acceptable-- just older and rougher than those I've rented from others.

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