
Has anyone ever had a shaky voice during a job interview?

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I was so embarrassed. There were a few times during the interview that my voice was shaky because I was so nervous. I tried to control my voice but I just couldn't. Luckily it wasn't shaky most of the time, and eventually stopped all together.




  1. Yes, it is normal.  It takes practice and experience to overcome, but you can do it.  When you are starting to feel very nervous, take deep breaths and try very hard to speak purposefully and s-l-o-w-l-y.  It helps if you practice in front of a mirror.  Another really helpful technique is play-acting with your friends.  Take turns taking the roles of interviewer and interviewee.  It's fun, and it really works!  You will be less nervous at a real interview if you do this.  

  2. It happens to everyone.

    Just make sure you are sending them a followup letter thanking them for the time they shared with you.  Also, highlighting some items that maybe you didn't cover all too well during the interview, that point out why you a good fit for the position.

    Next, make a phone call 2 days after mailing the letter.  This will show that your serious about the position.

    The biggest mistake that people make, is they think that employers always higher the most qualified person.  At time the hiring decision was made because the employee stayed in front of them.  And anytime during the day, that was the only person they could think about.

    It's not the delegation but the followup that is most important.

  3. Oh yeah.  Definitely.  I have been interviewing people for over eight years.  Earlier this year I found myself on the other side of the interview table and I was the one being interviewed when I decided to change jobs.  Even after 8 years of interviewing experience, I was incredibly nervous.

    Here's what you can do to help yourself calm down.

    1.  Know your stuff.  Know your resume inside and out.  Know the job description, know an interesting fact about the company, know the history and know stuff that the interviewer doesn't expect you to know.  Study study study.  

    2.   Print out a list of commonly asked questions and practice answering them using the information that you obtained from your study session.

    3.   Read up on behavioral interviewing.  A lot of times the questions asked by interviewers serve no other purpose other than to gauge how you are "between the lines".  Just look up Behavioral Interviewing.

    4.  If they offer you a drink, take it.  If your voice begins to shake, take a drink to help clear your throat and reground yourself.

    5.  Last but certainly most importantly....confidence.  Remember, they want you as much as you want them.  Not only do you have to sell yourself, they have to sell the job to you.  Just because you might be the right candidate for them doesn't mean the benefits and company are the right fit for you.  So hold your head up high, clear your throat and think to yourself "I am somebody and they need me"

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