
Has anyone ever had an after death experience?

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I'm not talking about NDE (near death experience) since they are clearly NEAR DEATH and does not actually involve someone dying. I want to know if someone was actually dead for like five minutes (or whatever time) and then be able to be brought back to life via medical means. Is anything experienced or is it just nothingness? The nothingness scares me, I don't care about heaven or h**l I just don't want to lose consciousness or existence.




  1. I'm not really going to fully answer your question but I answered your other one. I just want to expand on my point as this is something that used to bother me.

    As i said before the chances are that when you die there really is nothingness, thats it, end of.

    I know it seems harsh and you don't want to stop existing. But when you think about it (and I mean really think about it) is that what you want. To exist forever! Last time I looked that was a really long time and I don't know about you but I (after thinking about it) thought that I would rather it ended sometime.

    If you want to exist for longer then I would say work hard and do something good that people will remember. Albert Einstein isn't likely to be forgotten any time soon is he?

    I think once you accept that there will be a time when you are no more and that there is nothing you can really do about it, it makes you appreciate life in a whole new way. Anyway thats really all i have to say. I hope I have helped rather than made things worse.

    Adios I hope you have good one!

  2. I think by definition if you are "brought back to life", you weren't dead. There have been people who were declared dead and later walked home from the hospital, but clearly they were not dead.

    I'm sorry to say that at some point shortly after your death, the physical structure that makes your consciousness and intelligence possible will cease to exist. This is so hard to deal with that most people have to make things up to avoid facing it.

    Make your life count -- the one you actually have.

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