
Has anyone ever had and actual experiance with a ghost.?

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Have you psyically seen it or just heard bumps in the night.

Have you ever had photos and seen some strange stuff in the background. What are your experiances?




  1. I was a passenger in a car and glanced to the right where the other car appeared to have two people in it. THere was the guy and he was driving and a woman in the passenger side. She was sunk low amd looked sick. She had dark glasses on. I thought nothing more of it until I glaned again as we were passing them and there was only one person the male riving. I got the impression that she had crossed over recently of cancer and it was her husband driving. I have had lots of experiences - I was in a tourist attrction when i saw a little girl I looked again and she was not there. I think soirits are all around us and its hard to work out whether they are real people or not.

  2. I have seen ghosts... quiet a few.. if you are open to things like this then they will be open to you... I work in a nursing home and spirits are everywhere... you will catch a glimpse here and there...only a second...they dont like being

  3. Not ghosts.  But I have had experiences with angels.  I had several miscarriages, too manyto even count.  The last one was awful, I had to deliever a baby boy and watch as he expired in my arms, he was born too early for doctors to save.  I was unwilling to give up, so with doctor's permission, I tried again.  I have a very strong Christian family, my family includes several minister uncles and my husband's grandfather is a minister.  This time I got all my family and extended family to help me pray that I was able to get pregnant and that I was able to deliver a healty baby.  A long time friend gave me a special prayer to pray to St Gerard, he is the protector of unborn babies.  I researched St Gerard, and found out all about him, I wanted to know this saint about his life and his works.  I prayed to St Gerard and to St Jude, St Jude is the Saint of the impossible.  Of course this time, I had a healthy baby girl born.  My baby was a few days old, I put her in a basinet nest to my bed to sleep, I would often wake up in the middle of the night to see a glow and a figure over her.  I always thought I was dreaming.  However, one day, in the middle of the day, I walked out of her room to get her a bottle.  As I walked back to the room, I saw a figure again glowing in a vision of white, it is hard to explain what I saw, just looking over her.  I was not afraid, I felt a feeling of peace and I knew it was OK.  As I walked closer, I no longer saw the vision.  I tralked tomy mom and a few of my aunts about my experience,they all feel that it was St Gerard.

  4. In 1987 I stayed in a motel in Trinidad, Colorado (Downtowner Motel) where a ghost kept taking my ashtray, sometimes even with the cigarette in it. That was freaky, seeing the curl of smoke above where the ashtray had been. Finally, after hours of this (I wanted to leave, but also didn't want to leave), the ghost sat down on the bed! I mean, a perfect butt print on the bed, it was just freaky beyond words.

    The next day, when I was checking out, I found out that the only other room that was occupied had people who were there for the funeral of their auntie who had died from lung cancer. I immediately knew that she was still wanting to smoke, even on the other side.

  5. i have had several ........personal and on investigation .

    the scariest personal one i ever had was when i turned around in my bedroom to find a man standing in front of me ......i have never been so scared .

    as for investigation i think the funniest was when i actually ran away ,and 3 other investigators where in a private home collecting evidence of the alleged haunting and we were at the top of the stairs with the family below us we were discussing what to do (as we had no positive proof of a haunting) we all heard what i can only describe as a guttural growl .......i ran ........halfway downstairs with another investigator in hot pursuit i managed to stop as not to alarm the occupants of the home and we calmed down and returned upstairs .....we found the source of the growl had come from their dog which had been locked out off the home as he would growl at anything.....oh well now you know i am not big and brave just because i am an investigator ......we get scared also !!!!

    you can pay my site a visit for more of my escapades if you wish .........

  6. No, No, and No.

    None of you have - even if you think you have.

    You folks take movies and TV shows too seriously.

    It's all in your imagination, particularly when you are going through emotional times.  

    Strong emotions = decreased ability to use logic.

    If there were actual, verifiable photos of ghosts they would be published in legitimate scientific literature and not in tabloids and hoax websites.

  7. Yeah.  I am in a family that is very sensitive to ghosts, meaning they attract them quite often.  My dad was haunted by ghosts for five years, and it still scares him to this day.  He is quite a strong man, too, and it is weird for him to be scared about something.  

    But for me, yes.  I am like the rest of my family..I was sleeping one night, and in my dream I looked over and saw someone lay next to me.  I rolled over again, but then in my dream I started to roll back over and then in the middle of the roll I woke up and looked beside me.  The ghost, which was translucent..looked over at me and sat up.  Sometimes in my house, I will feel something leaning all of its weight on my leg and I will look down but no animal is around.  I think that it is my doggie that died this year at only 3 years old.  we also have a ghost cat that I see a lot.  

    I could ramble on and on about my aunts house, too.  It is really creepy.  Her house is over 200 years old, and so many things happen there it is nuts.  It would take me ages to write it all, but if you are interested and want to know more message me.

  8. unfortunately she left me for another ghost and we lost touch

  9. I come from a family of Sensitives, certain individuals can and do pick up the frequency of certain mother can pick up ones I don't, and I've felt some she hasn't. My brother doesn't talk about his experiences much. My house has a couple entities, one came home with me from college. I had a very strong connection to him. While I was chatting online one night with my mother, somehow he conveyed to her that his name was Clark, and he seemed to be a miner of sorts. Not far off the mark at all, since I went to college on the Iron Range of northern Minnesota. He liked to tease my cat, who was himself also a special entity to me, and Clark had a habit of knocking over shampoo bottles while I was in the shower; he liked to make me laugh. But his watching over me was small potatoes compared to THE event. One day I was sick, very sick, and had been for about a week...this particular morning I crawled out of bed and my head spun, plus I had a massive cramp in my calf. I stood there clutching the bed, stretching the muscle and holding my head...and there was a hand at my elbow and one on the small of my back, supporting me until I could stand on my own. Except my roommate wasn't was Clark. I'll never forget any of what he did for me. I hope he knows how much I appreciate him, wherever he is.

  10. Yes, I have seen them. Unfortunately, whenever I tell people they don't want to believe me. Usually I can sense them. I will know they are in the room and I will be lucky to catch a glimpse of them. One time however, my brother also saw the same exact ghost (he described it halfway and I finished the description, so we both knew we both saw it).

    Usually the ones I see are just passing by and don't even know we can see them. They act practically human. They get scared when they realize we can see them because we're not supposed to.

    Oftentimes when I would work on genealogy or do my homework late at night when I was younger, young ghosts would come watch me work by peeking around the corner or over the edge of a couch.

    There's really nothing spooky about them.


    Just a later note: It appears someone who does not believe in ghosts came through and gave everyone a thumbs down. If it's a legitimate answer we should not get thumbs down. If you don't believe in something, make a comment, don't ruin it for the rest of us!

  11. I have had some rapping in my house, and I have heard classical music coming up from my basement.  (I do not listen to classical music)

    My brother saw a disembodied arm wave for him to follow, and he saw a scowling old man peering out through his daughters bedroom.

    When I was in the Army, I experienced the only panic attack that I have ever had, when I was staying over with a friend because of noises that she was hearing. I heard the noises, and felt like I was being pulled spinning through the mattress that I was sleeping on.  (I found out later that the trailer park was on the grounds of a civil war cemetery.)

    My son who is almost 15 months will turn his head around like he is watching somebody walk through the room.

    My wife got up one morning and found the (turned off) coffee pot still hot from the evening before.


    On a somewhat related note, When I was driving over-the-road; I experienced the "black dog".

    I had heard about it while in training, much like a summer camp ghost story.  

    The "black dog" is the subconscious of a person, who is SO TIRED that it is able to temporarily project outside of the physical body, and show the driver what is coming up the road that they are getting ready to hit.

    In my case it was a little Honda CRV type car, that I swore I rolled over.  The adrenalin/fright woke me up enough for me to get the rig parked safely, and I was then able to monitor myself better to prevent me getting that exhausted again.

  12. i saw 3 small demons flying around my older brothers bed when i was six, there was a greenish light in the room.

  13. ya they are very scary

  14. I never saw a ghost and hopefully i will never see one!

    By the way i really don't know now how i'm going to turn off the lights in this room, walk the corridor, reach the living room and turn on the tv!!

    Home alone and scared by the answers above!!! Why did i ever read them?:)

  15. yes, I have seen a ghost but it was harmless to me.  I was little about 5 or 6yr old and all he did was staired at me.which fricked me out!

  16. No, I felt. I had one and rest of them seem to touch me and pass by.

  17. I saw a ghost. I was in Oahu. There are TONS of ghosts in Hawaii. Anyway, I was with a local boy who asked if I wanted to see one. Of course I did! We went someplace and sat in the car for awhile. He fell asleep, but I kept watching. I was looking through this area through a chain link fence, and watched this little doggy walk across this area. He was right in front of me on the other side of this chain link fence, he went to go underneath it, and didn't come out the other side. It's not a scary story, but not all of them are.

  18. Yes, I have seen-a ghost before...seen it twice..and does not want to cross between that line..of seeing them ..

    its creepy-and chills in the back of your spine...

    It will leave you spooked out for couple days..

    the very first time I saw it..couple days later my dad past away..very sad...I never want to cross those two world-between our world and their world there's only a thin line in between it..

  19. Yes Yes and Yes.

    I grew up with a ghost in the house, have a picture of him, and my family even named him.  He is sort of part of the family.

  20. Every night I watch a show.I see ghost on that show and while I'm watching it, hear footsteps.I think my attick is haunted.

  21. I watched a door's deadbolt lock itself on two separate occasions.

  22. yes .. and you propbably have too ! .. they look like normal people and you can only tell the difference if you really look ! ... me and my mum and brother can sense when they are around .. my mums hair goes on edge and it moves which is actually really wierd but yes it does it ! So i have seen them many of times before .. there not so freaky after a few times .. if you see one dont freak out ! Just nicely ask it to go away and/or ask it what it wants or what its doing im sure you will be fine .. spirits generally want something or .. and photopgraphs are probably just double exposure soo dont worry about those ..and the TV shows like with Derrick whathis name are so fixed they are total rubbish ! SORRY DERRICK ! but they are ! i hope i helped you ! good lucl with the spirits .. maybe you could google Colin Fry .. he is very good

  23. I live in an old german settlement in Australia.  The place was established in the mid 1800's back when the nearest city would have been several days travel away.  It's an incredibly harsh environment here, and life must have been incredibly challenging for the original occupants.  Although it's just myself, my partner and my animals here now, the original buildings are still here.  There's a school, 2 churches, a cemetery with about 30 graves, many of which are children, and the original owner rests there as well, and the original well.  We live in one of the churches which was renovated into a residence 30 years ago.  It would be rare for a day to go by that we didn't have some sort of visit.  Usually it's the sound of footsteps in the loft or doors opening and closing on their own.  Sometimes I hear someone talking in German (which I don't understand).  I often see a man dressed in black sitting on the porch of the other church, and there is a brigade of ladies all in flowered dresses that hang around in the church/house  at night when my partner is away.  Sometimes things get thrown, or blinds get raised and lowered.  Sometimes my pet kangaroos who live inside for the most part go nuts and refuse to go into the laundry.  A friend of mine often sees a little girl when she visits.  I sense her, and hear her playing upstairs, but rarely actually see her.  Recently I went and had a look at the graves and found one particular girl who would have died at about the right age for the little ghost.  Her name was Louise.  So now we call her by name, and a lot of the naughtiness has stopped.  I have a pair of black swans as pets.  They spend their days on our pond and are locked up at night.  Sometimes I find them running up the path towards home in the middle of the day just the same as they do when I go to fetch them in the evenings.  I think one of the ghosts gets a kick out of shooing them.  I often feel someone tug on my shirt, and turn around to find no one there.  Once I keep thinking that I could hear someone calling from the other church.  I convinced myself that it was one of my pet parrots, but then, I went to check it out and found that one of our semi tame semi wild Brushtail Possums had managed to find her way down the chimney, but couldn't get back out.  She would have starved had I not been alerted by the ghost.  A few weeks ago I went away to visit friends and family and found it difficult to sleep because it was way to quiet!  And I really missed the ghosts!  They used to scare the heck out of my partner, but when I taught him just to talk to them and ask them to stop scaring the roos, or please be quiet so we can sleep he gradually overcame his fear as well.  I've never felt the least bit frightened or threatened by any of our ghostly residents.  In fact, I feel like they are here looking after me.

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