
Has anyone ever had life insurance with a company named primerica?

by  |  earlier

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I want to get life insurance on me and my 2 kids and they are really cheap and have a thing called a childed rider which i knew nothing about. But I have never heard of this company and just want to check it out.




  1. i heard of it but no sorry

  2. I have had it for a long time. They are okay.. as you know I never had to collect on it or I would not be here.

  3. Yep, my wife and I have out policy with them. Just about ready to have a second child. After he turns 15days, we will be getting a child rider to cover him and his sister, plus any other kids we decide to have.

    Check with AM Best, Moodys to check their rating. This shows how these companies feel if everyone who owns a policy were to die and how well the company could pay out ALL those policies.

  4. Yes, I've heard of Primerica.  It is a legitimate company.

    Get a few price quotes from life insurance agents before you buy any life insurance.

    Good luck.

  5. Check on-line, get comparisons from other companies. I found very inexpensive policies at Quote-Smith. If you have only 1 child and no more, then it is better to buy child individual policy. 2 or more children, the rider is lower price way to go. Check with company, but some children riders are paid up until they turn 25, if the primary insured dies and that can be a great benefit. With the child rider, additional children, born or adopted are covered automatically after age 6 months. The riders generally guarantee the child additional insurance when they turn 25 even if they are un-insurable.

  6. Yes, still do in fact. They're legit. Obviously I never collected, but they seem to deliver what they promise.

  7. You can learn more about the company at

    In regards to life insurance, Primerica believes in selling one life policy for the whole family, not individual policies per person like other companies do. Having one policy means that there is only one policy fee and plus, if you and your spouse has coverage, you may get a rate discount (which is based on total coverage). Its similar to purchasing auto insurance. If you had multiple cars, you would insure all your cars in one policy and you get discounts as well.

    The child rider is a feature in which all kids between the age of 15 days to 25 years old are covered. Once all your kids reach the age of 25 years old, you may want to get rid of the child rider, unless you plan to have more kids.

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