
Has anyone ever had problems with getting Nationwide Insurance to notify you of qualifying for lower rates?

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I have and wondered if anyone else has. I tried filing complaints against them through my state offices that handle consumer complaints. They overcharged me for over a year on my car insurance and refuse to refund the difference. Should I take them to small claims?




  1. I've never seen an insurance company volunteer lower rates, unless the agent ASKED the company for lower rates.

    The rate is set at the beginning of the policy term, for the length of the term.  You agreed to it.  They can change the premium if you make policy changes, but will not usually change the RATE until renewal time.  

    They do not have to backdate any changes, and will usually not backdate any RATE differences, if you understand the difference between those two items.  It's also possible that you are misunderstanding the "lower rate" that you are due.  Most frequently, people expect a driving surcharge to drop off mid policy once it gets to be X years old - and it doesn't.  The surcharge didn't get ADDED until the next renewal, and follows you for X full policy years.  If you turn 25 (or the "magic age" for your insurance company) mid policy term, the rate does NOT change mid policy.  

    So I think you're going to lose in small claims court.

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