
Has anyone ever had sinus pain after spending some time at the beach i want to know how to stop it

by  |  earlier

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you usially feel it more if you tilt your head forward as if you were bending over to pick up something i went to the beach for like 3 hrs and after i got home i started feeling it i was tired and tried to go to sleep but the pain was too much to bare since my head was leaniing it bugs less when u keep your head straight and it started going away slowly by night i was able to sleep but i still had to sleep with two pillows

i want to know why that happens and what i could do to stop it




  1. You just have to let the the infection go on it's course till it's over . I guess everyone in their life has has the same as you . At one time Physician were prescribing Amoxillin to get rid of the infection , but in the last few years they discovered that Physician were prescribing way to much Penicillin and that the population was becoming immune to it . If you ran to the doctor every time there would be  something wrong with you , you wouldn't be giving your body a chance to fight it on it's own and therefore weakening your immune system and unable to fight any bacterias . I hope you get well soon and have a great day .

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