
Has anyone ever had this?

by  |  earlier

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I was suppose to start my AF yesterday and did not. My breast have been sore, stomach bloated, small tingles in my stomach and I get a little "woosy" at times....I also get warm every now and then. Does anyone have any opinions or have had this happen to them? (been TTC for 2 years)




  1. Well my advice is either that you are pregnant or that you could be experiencing a phantom pregnancy. I had this happen to me about a month ago and I swore I was pregnant. I hope in your case that you are pregnant! Good Luck and baby dust to you!

  2. wait about a week after ur missed period then try again and if u think u may be pregnant still get a blood test to put ur mind at ease good luck it does sound like you are pregnant but took it to early :)

  3. sounds like you could be pregnant, i would take a test as you are late, as you have just added you have took 2 tests i would wait a few more days and test again, if still negative go and see your doctor and maybe get a blood test good luck

  4. I have experienced this twice and unfortunantly for me AF did show up 8 days late both times. I too am ttc so its the most disappointing thing in the world. However, i would defiantly go buy a 2 pack test now if you havent already and take 1 now then wait 2 days if you still havent started then test again. i know when i was late i wanted to test every single day till i got the answer i was looking for but i have spent so much money on HPT i could invest in First Response stock and make millions. Anyways, the point is just relax, dont stress because stress can make you late and can interfere when ttc. Your symptoms sound like pregnancy so good luck to you and let us know.

    ADDITION: Since you indicated you have taken 2 HPT. I would still wait a couple days and take another, as the pregnancy hormone doubles every 2 days and depending on exactly when you ovulated it takes a week after that for implantation to occur, the hormone doesnt start producing until after implantation so therefore if you were a late ovulater this month it could take a little longer for a test to pick up the hormone.

  5. What's an AF? But I think this is it! I also got warm feelings, and these same feelings. I kinda felt like there was a fish in my uterus for 2 seconds. It depends on how long you've waited to test. A blood test would be more reasurrant.  

  6. sounds like you could be pregnant.  Wait a couple days then take a test.

  7. You could be pregnant. Congrats! Hope it goes your way

  8. CONGRATS!!! you may be pregnant

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